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Modes of Instruction
The University determines and defines how courses are offered university-wide, using the modes of instruction stated below. Mode of Instruction is defined as the way a class component (i.e., lecture, lab, etc.) is delivered in each semester. To view an informational video on the new course modalities, click here. To view an information flipbook on the new course modalities, click here.
In Person 
In-Person classes are intended to be taken in a physical classroom setting during scheduled class meeting times. (online technology may enhance but not replace in-person instruction).
An In-Person class where material is provided online, via a learning management system or website, does not displace any of the required contact hours that would normally occur in a scheduled In-Person class.
Hybrid classes are a combination of in-person and online instruction. Online contact hours (synchronous or asynchronous) displaces some portion of the required contact hours that would normally take place in a scheduled in-person (face-to-face) class. A hybrid class is designed to integrate face-to-face and online activities so that they reinforce, complement, and elaborate one another, instead of treating the online component as an add-on or duplicate of what is taught in the classroom. Faculty may require students to turn on their cameras in online and hybrid courses during class periods or for remote testing purposes.
Hybrid Asynchronous - Hybrid asynchronous classes offer a combination of in-person and online instruction/contact hours. Online portions of the course are offered asynchronously.
Hybrid Synchronous - Hybrid synchronous classes offer a combination of in-person and online instruction/contact hours. Online portions of the course are offered synchronously.
HyField classes offer a combination of in-person instruction hours that occur off campus doing field-based experiential learning during scheduled times and online instruction hours that may be asynchronous and/or synchronous. HyField classes do not require classroom access—all in-person instruction occurs off-campus. Faculty may require students to turn on their cameras in online and hybrid courses during class periods or for remote testing purposes.
A HyFlex course provides students multiple learning paths and is distinguished from other mixed modality courses by relying on individual student choice from session to session, rather than having the instructor determine the modality for any given lesson. The number of formats available to students will vary from course to course. HyFlex courses are in-person with option of synchronous online, and/or asynchronous online contact hours. Faculty may require students to turn on their cameras in online and hybrid courses during class periods or for remote testing purposes.
In an Online class (synchronous or asynchronous), all required contact hours are online only. Contact includes instruction, learning activities, and interactions (both student-student and/or student-instructor). All the class work, examinations, quizzes, writing assignments, lab work, etc. are fully online. Faculty may require students to turn on their cameras in online and hybrid courses during class periods or for remote testing purposes.
- Online Synchronous - Online Synchronous classes resemble on-campus In-Person ones in that students must be (virtually) present at the same time. All required instructional hours are online
- Online Asynchronous - Online Asynchronous classes require all contact hours to be held online asynchronously. The modality allows students to access materials and assignments on a flexible schedule in accordance with deadlines set by the professor..
- Online Mix- Online Mix classes offer a combination of online synchronous meetings and asynchronous online work.
In Person Exam Only (IPEO) Course Attribute
CUNY has created a new course attribute “In-Person Exam Only” (IPEO) which may be attached to online sections. The IPEO attribute informs students that an online section requires in-person exams, such as midterms and final exams. Students enrolled in courses with the IPEO attribute will be required to be fully vaccinated as per CUNY guidelines
Class Notes - Why is this Important?
All students are strongly recommended to view the "Class Notes" section of their courses. Class Notes may have additional details about their sections, to include:
- If the course will have synchronous meetings, and if so, the platform for these meetings (i.e. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex, etc)
- If the course is restricted to specific cohorts or programs (i.e., First Year (FY) students, Macaulay Honor (MHC) students, Adult Degree Program (ADP), etc).
- Whether the course will use special software (i.e. Maple, Adobe Creative Cloud, CUNY Virtual Desktop, etc)
- Whether the course requires any subscriptions to materials or platforms
- Whether the course requires a microphone and/or camera