Photo of a live performance
We are excited to begin the academic year with new programs, and renewed energy to make Lehman’s performing arts programs a destination for student creativity.

Our undergraduate programs put students in the spotlight. Whether you are a musician, dancer, or actor, we have performance opportunities for you from choral singing, jazz bands, urban and improvisational dance, to contemporary drama. And you don’t have to be a major to perform with us! Our programs prepare the next generation of teachers, composers, playwrights, directors, and arts managers. Our multimedia programs engage the latest in digital audio and video technology with access to one of the finest recording studios in New York City. Courses in Entrepreneurship, Performing Arts Management, Music Therapy, Stagecraft, along with Professional Internships and Practicum provide professional experience and insight to start your career in the performing arts.


Our Performances

When Harlem Was in Vogue-An Appreciation of African American Composers for Black History Month
Lehman College, Community Chorus, Symphony Orchestra - Winter Concert 2024
Daniel In The Lions Den
Reina Hondo Senior Recital

Upcoming Events

April 1, 2025

5:00 PM - 7:06 PM


On April 1, 2025 at 5:00pm on the campus of Lehman College Multimedia Center, Carman Hall, for THE THIRD ANNUAL CUNY BEAT BATTLE begins another showdown between Hostos, Lehman (reigning 2-time champion), and other CUNY Audio Clubs, competing for the title of Best Producer. Paired producers will go head to head as they race against the clock to create the best beat. Each team will be given the same music samples and asked to put together a track within the time limit.

Donna Elaine, flutist

April 6, 2025

2:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Faculty Recital - Donna Elaine, flute

Flutist Donna Elaine gives a faculty recital accompanied by pianist Rie Matsumoto, featuring works by Bach, Rutter, Poulenc, Borne, and Bizet.

Photo of dancer for Spring Dance event

April 9, 2025

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Spring Dance Concert An evening of original choreography by majors and guest artists.

An evening of original choreography by majors and guest artists.