Public Safety

Message From The Director
Here in Public Safety, we are committed to ensuring a safe and supportive academic environment for the entire Lehman College community. Our officers provide essential college services, like safety trainings, IDs, and escorts, and are committed to promptly addressing any concerns or emergencies. As a CUNY alumnus, myself, and your Director of Public Safety, I take additional pride in building relationships across campus and helping to make our Lehman College campus a safe space for everyone.
Public Safety
Apex, Room 109Office Hours
Mon - Fri | 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Weekends and holidays | Closed
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Reports & Policies
NYPD Patrol Bureau's Bronx leadership met with the CUNY department of Public Safety Bronx schools'. Director of Public Safety, Fausto Ramirez provided insight and historical facts about Lehman and CUNY, and emphasized the importance of partnership.
E-Bikes, E-Scooters, E-Batteries Prohibited Inside Campus Buildings
A reminder to the college community that E-bikes, E-scooters, E-batteries, and gas-powered bikes are strictly prohibited inside campus buildings due to safety risks. These devices pose significant hazards, including the potential for fires and explosions, which create substantial safety concerns for both the college community and visitors.
Lehman College Public Safety joins Mental Health Awareness Fair
Lehman College Public Safety actively participated in the Mental Health Awareness Spring Fair. Our dedicated officers shared valuable safety tips, resources, and contributed to raising awareness about mental health.
Public Safety
Apex, Room 109Office Hours
Mon - Fri | 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Weekends and holidays | Closed - See All Contacts