Human Resources
Shuster Hall, Room 230Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Fax: 718-960-1191
Performance Management
The performance management process extends beyond the annual review. It encompasses setting clear expectations and establishing SMART goals, while providing specific and continuous feedback. When all
components are executed thoughtfully with active participation from both managers and employees, the outcomes are advantageous for everyone involved.
This essential dialogue between managers and their teams lays the foundation for ongoing coaching and ultimately informs the performance evaluation.
Evaluation Forms:
- Full-Time Faculty Multiple Position Form
- HEO Evaluation Form
- Performance Evaluation Form for Classified Employees
- Performance Evaluation Form for Sub-Managerial Supervisory in (Buildings and Grounds Custodial Supervisors).
- Public Safety Service Performance and Promotion Appraisal
Human Resources
Shuster Hall, Room 230Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Fax: 718-960-1191
- Human Resources Directory