
What are Rubrics?

Rubrics are scoring guides that describe the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate student artifacts. The most useful types contain performance levels to indicate the quality of work done, with each level described in a manner to contrast it with performance at other levels. The AAC&U Value rubrics are examples of these types of "descriptive" rubrics. Advantages of using rubrics include:

  • Rubrics help instructors evaluate student work consistently and objectively.
  • Rubrics make your evaluation criteria transparent.
  • Rubrics help instructors provide detailed feedback to students.
  • Rubics help to make scoring faster and easier.


The American Association of Colleges & Universities in collaboration with faculty and educational professionals across the United States developed VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) rubrics for assessing student work. The VALUE rubrics help institutions demonstrate, share, and assess student accomplishment of progressively more advanced and integrative learning.

At Lehman, we are committed to providing students with an education that will prepare them to be successful in their professional lives. Strong written communication skills are essential, regardless of the path that our graduates take after they leave Lehman. Please click on the following links for additional information about assessing students' written comminication skills.


Technical Questions? Contact:
Stephen Castellano | Online Teaching and Learning Technology Specialist | 718-960-8658

Assessment Questions? Contact:
Don Sutherland | Assessment Manager | 718-960-7193