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El Reto de la Pertenencia with Graphic Artist and Chair of Spanish Culture and Civilization, Quan Zhou

Event Four
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Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Location: Music Building, Recital Hall (MU-306)

Audience: Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors

Admission: Free and open to the public

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Department of Languages and Literatures


Until very recently, Spain has been traditionally imagined as a non-racialized territory.  Since 2015, multifaceted artist, podcaster, activist, and graphic novelist Quan Zhou has been a leading voice in the visualization of strong minorities in Spain, especially those of Asian-descent and second-generation communities. Join us on April 8th to learn more about the role that race and gender play in our experiences of belonging.


        Hasta hace poco, España ha sido tradicionalmente imaginada como un territorio no racializado. Desde 2015, la polifacética artista, podcaster, activista y novelista gráfica Quan Zhou ha sido una de las voces fundamentales que han liderado la visibilización de importantes minorías en España, especialmente aquellas de descendencia asiática y de segunda generación. Ven el 8 de abril para aprender más sobre el papel que desempeñan raza y género en nuestras experiencias de pertenencia.