Notable Alumni

Johanna Cuello-Gutierrez ‘22

LMHC, Adjunct Lecturer, CE:CMHC & CE:SC, and Bilingual Middle School Counselor, Riverdale-Kingsbridge Academy, Bronx, NY

My experience in the counseling field has taught me this important equation: Flexibility + support = change. Lehman College offered me both the flexibility and support I needed not only to change my future but the future of those I help in my work both as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and as a bilingual public school Middle and High School Counselor in the Bronx. Lehman College offers a welcoming and diverse learning environment, where my classmates and I always felt validated. Lehman helped me grow both personally and professionally because the professors believed in me and pushed me to explore and develop new skills. I cherish the ability to give back as an adjunct lecturer in both Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling.

LMHC, Adjunct Lecturer, CE:CMHC & CE:SC, and Bilingual Middle School Counselor, Riverdale-Kingsbridge Academy, Bronx, NY

Mi experiencia en el campo de la consejería me ha enseñado esta importante ecuación: Flexibilidad + apoyo = cambio. Lehman College me ofreció la flexibilidad y el apoyo que necesitaba no solo para cambiar mi futuro, sino también el futuro de aquellos a quienes ayudo en mi trabajo, tanto como Consejera Clínica de Salud Mental con Licencia y como Consejera de Escuela Intermedia y Preparatoria bilingüe en escuelas públicas en el Bronx. Lehman College ofrece un ambiente de aprendizaje acogedor y diverso, donde mis compañeros de clase y yo siempre nos sentimos validados. Lehman me ayudó a crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente porque los profesores creyeron en mí y me empujaron a explorar y desarrollar nuevas habilidades. Aprecio la capacidad de retribuir como profesora adjunta tanto en Consejería Clínica de Salud Mental como en Consejería Escolar.

Fabiola Estevez ‘19

Bilingual Elementary School Counselor, Kendall College and Career Academy, Norwalk, CT 

My most powerful learning as a student in the Counselor Education: School Counseling program at Lehman College was all the experiences I encountered in each class such as group counseling, creating lesson plans, role playing, and the support I received from the professors. Some of the tips that I took away were to be visible, flexible, and always consult, which has been the best advice I ever received.

Bilingual Elementary School Counselor, Kendall College and Career Academy, Norwalk, CT 

El aprendizaje más importante como estudiante en el departamento de consejero de La universidad de Lehman fue todas las experiencias aprendidas en todas las clases como la consejería en grupo, creando actividades y Juego de rol.También el apoyo recibido por los profesores. Algunos de los consejos que me llevé fueron ser visibles, flexibles y siempre consultar, lo que se ha convertido en uno de los mejores consejos jamás recibidos como eres.

Chris McDermott ‘13

Director of College Counseling, St. Mary’s High School, Manhasset, Long Island, NY

I always speak highly of Lehman and everyone who worked so hard to provide a great education.  It truly is a great School Counseling program

Jennifer Annunziata ‘10

LMHC, Foster Care Program Director, Rising Ground, NY, NY, Private Practice, Tarrytown, NY, and Adjunct Lecturer, CE:CMHC & C

I graduated with a Master's in Counselor Education: School Counseling from Lehman College in 2010. Lehman prepared me through rigorous coursework, highly effective professors, and practical experience. This led to a rewarding career advocating for the needs of youth in the foster care system. I am the Director of a 20-person department that supports the academic, career, post-secondary, and housing goals for foster care youth throughout New York City.

My degree at Lehman allowed me to enter a bridge program where I obtained an advanced certificate in clinical mental health counseling. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor practicing part-time in Tarrytown and have the pleasure of teaching at Lehman in Counselor Education: School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling programs.

Terrence Houlihan ’10

Director of College & School Counseling, St. Joseph’s High School, Trumbull, CT

Lehman's Counselor Education: School Counseling program is the best in Metro NYC to study at because the real-life expertise and experiences of the professors enhance every class discussion, bringing to life counseling theories, textbook scenarios, and those potential ‘what-ifs’ that school counselors-in-training play out in their heads.

Suzette Ramsundar ‘10

M.S.Ed. CE:SC, ‘18 M.S.O.L., Director of Student Activities, Adjunct Lecturer, CE:SC, and Doctoral Student, Organizational Leadership Lehman College, Bronx, NY

The Counselor Education: School Counseling program at Lehman  prepared me to be a relevant, competent, compassionate educator . I was not only introduced to the best practices in the field but I  met a cadre of exceptional peers and brilliant mentors.

Annia Rivero ’09

High School Counselor, Somers High School, Somers, NY

I entered the counseling profession because I wanted to assist students in ways that I was not assisted.  It is not only my profession but my passion.  The graduate CE:SC program at Lehman College not only taught me valuable skills and gave me "top of the line" training to become a professional school counselor, but nurtured my passion for assisting students.  On my first day of classes one of my professors told us this program would change us. I did not have any idea what he meant by this but as I went through the program and as I look back now I realize he meant we would go through a metamorphosis professionally and personally from the time we began. 

The professors are top-notch and personable, which makes a difference.  I never hesitated to reach out to them and they were always there to answer a question or assist me with a concern, even as an alumna.  They are there to help and support throughout and later welcome you into the counseling field with open arms upon graduation considering you a ‘colleague.’   The CACREP program accreditation is desirable from an employment standpoint.  As I entered the workforce I noticed putting this accreditation on my resume allowed me to obtain many phone calls from possible employers.  The wealth of knowledge I could present on my resume and on personal interviews of my experience utilizing the ASCA national model allowed for great feedback from school districts.  What the CE:SC program at Lehman College offers you is immeasurable to your professional and personal future.

Delfina Leston ’08

School Counselor, LaGuardia High School for the Arts, NY, NY

I want to thank the faculty because this program really paid off. As each day goes on I feel more and more competent that I can take on anything, and I use all my resources and knowledge I gained from the program. While in the program I said to myself and I'm sure a lot of other students did...’I hope all this work pays off’ and I actually use all this information and I'm not just doing it to get a degree! Well of course it did! I always smile and feel bad at the same time when other school counselors are like,  “Wow you know so much--We didn’t have to do that in our programs.” Right now, I am fully implementing a school counseling program using the ASCA model and the administration at my school listened and is accepting of implementing the model. I’ve had the framework for years and waited to fully implement it with everyone on board.

Melissa Luckman ’08

School Counselor, Brooklyn Tech High School, Brooklyn, NY

You are immersed into schools right away and often. It is the most knowledgeable school counseling program for the ASCA Model and implementing it in real life in the area. I felt very prepared for my first day of work.