Information for Students


Lehman Library Resources

The Women's and Gender Studies Program and the Library have produced the following monographs: "Women in Government on the Web," "African-American Women on the Web," "Women's Studies on the Web," "Hispanic American Women on the Web," "Women's Organization on the Web," "Italian American Women on the Web," and "Women in Science on the Web."

Women's Studies Club

The Club is open to all Lehman students. Contact the Women's Studies office for further information at 718-960-1160, Carman Hall, Room 221.


The Program's publication, the Women's Studies Review, was launched in 2000 to showcase faculty and students' research and scholarship pertaining to women's lives then and now. The Fall 2005 issue was a special edition of the proceedings of a symposium at Lehman College, titled "The Role of Women in World Peace and The Role of Men and Boys in Gender Equity."

Public/Community Relations

The program holds numerous events addressing the interests of our diverse student body and faculty. These events are a significant aspect of Women's Studies at Lehman. These events are held during October, February, March, and May of each academic year. A major focus of the program is women's empowerment and the documentation of local women's organizations.

Following are events sponsored by the Women's Studies Program:

Women's Studies Open House:

This day-long Open House offers students an opportunity to get information on course offerings and the minor, greet faculty and staff members, and join the Women's Studies Club.

Women's Studies Lecture Series:

The Spring and Fall Lectures offer faculty the opportunity to share their research and enhance collegiality on campus; they also attract members of the community. Occasionally one of our best students is invited to be a guest speaker. Such was the case with Michelle Alice Augustine, a Watson Fellow and Soros Scholar, who presented “Reflections on Ghana,” snapshots of her field work on women's and girls' human rights in Ghana. She inspired many of her peers by sharing her experiences and giving them practical guidance.

Other Events:

The Women's Studies Program convenes numerous events addressing interests and concerns of our diverse student body and faculty. A particular emphasis is put on women's empowerment and human rights. Some highlights are celebrations of Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, and Asian-Pacific heritage.

Women's History Month:

In honor of Women's History Month, the Women's Studies Program convenes a month long series of activities and events—Women's History Month panels, lectures and workshops, film screenings, performances, exhibits on women's experiences and achievements in the Leonard Lief Library.

Emily Nammacher Award

This award is given each academic year to a graduating senior with a women's studies minor. Preference is given to the student with the highest academic average, whose WST course selection exceeds minimum requirements.