Alumni Spotlight

Connecting Mind,

Body, Community,

and Culture

Multimedia, Theatre & Dance

degree programs prepare students

for a wide variety of artistic,

technical, and administrative

roles in the performing arts.




The multidisciplinary B.F.A. in Multimedia Performing Arts has concentrations in dance and theatre. The program prepares multidisciplinary actors and dancers to create for the stage, film, television, and new media. This intensive program is for those who envision a career as a practitioner in theatre, dance, film, tv, and related media.

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Theatre Track

Students interested in a career in theatre will take classes in acting, directing, writing, multimedia performance, creative technology, and performing arts management. Courses incorporate both in-classroom study and practical workshops.

Dance Track

Aspiring professional dancers and choreographers study choreography, improvisation history, somatics, and a range of dance techniques – from street styles and social dance to West African and concert dance. Courses incorporate both in-classroom study and practical workshops.

The bachelor’s degree in Theatre combines study in acting, dance, stagecraft, playwriting, theatre history, and drama with practical experience in producing, technical theatre, and arts management.

The program prepares students for a career as an actor, director, playwright, theatre administrator, technical director or stage manager, or in related professions, such as entertainment law, business, and management.

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Undergraduate Dance majors study improvisation, choreography, and dance history, while also gaining practical experience in producing, technical theatre, and arts management.The curriculum covers a wide range of dance techniques including modern dance, street styles, Latin dance, ballet, and African dance.

The program prepares students for careers such as dancer, choreographer, teacher, dance administrator, or dance therapist.

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The Performing Arts Management Minor is designed for students who are looking to prepare for administrative opportunities in the professional performing arts industry.

The Performing Arts Management Minor curriculum will equip students with skills and knowledge required for entry-level administrative positions in the performing arts.

After completing:

  • THE 348
  • ACC 185 (or ACC 171)
  • An internship

students can choose a 3-credit focus on Fundraising and Development by taking BBA 194 (1 credit) and BBA 202 (2 credits), or a 3-credit focus on Social Media and Marketing by taking THE 324 (3 credits) or by taking BBA 188 (1 credit) and BBA 189 (2 credits).

The Theatre Minor consists of THE 208 Acting I (3 credits) and THE 235 Stagecraft (3 credits), plus an additional 6 credits in theatre at the 300 or 400-level.

Courses can be chosen from categories such as directing, acting for the camera, multimedia production and design, history, and upper division acting courses that incorporate both in-classroom study and practical workshops in consultation with a theatre advisor.

The Dance Minor consists of DNC 235 Dance Perspectives, which fulfills the General Education Flexible Core: Creative Expression category, plus 9 additional credits in dance, 6 of those credits at the 300 or 400-level.
Courses can be chosen from categories such as choreography, improvisation, history, body and wellness, and a range of dance techniques – from street styles and social dance to West African and concert dance. Courses incorporate both in-classroom study and practical workshops.

The 12-credit Mind-Body Wellness Minor addresses philosophies and techniques related to the mind-body connection and consists of:

  • DNC 222: Body in Society (3 credits)
  • DNC 230: Body and Wellness I (2 credits)
  • DNC 330: Body and Wellness II (2 credits)
  • DNC 340: Mind Body Connection (3 credits)
  • Two additional credits in Dance

DNC 222 combines physical/experiential learning as well as intellectual inquiry to investigate the relationship between the physical reality of the individual and the world. It fulfills the General Education Flexible Core: Individual and Society category. Yoga and mindfulness techniques form the base for DNC 230 and DNC 330. DNC 340 addresses the mind-body connection from a scientific, medical, philosophical and social science perspective. In addition to these required courses, students have a free elective in dance. 


Upcoming Events

April 1, 2025

5:00 PM - 7:06 PM


On April 1, 2025 at 5:00pm on the campus of Lehman College Multimedia Center, Carman Hall, for THE THIRD ANNUAL CUNY BEAT BATTLE begins another showdown between Hostos, Lehman (reigning 2-time champion), and other CUNY Audio Clubs, competing for the title of Best Producer. Paired producers will go head to head as they race against the clock to create the best beat. Each team will be given the same music samples and asked to put together a track within the time limit.

Donna Elaine, flutist

April 6, 2025

2:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Faculty Recital - Donna Elaine, flute

Flutist Donna Elaine gives a faculty recital accompanied by pianist Rie Matsumoto, featuring works by Bach, Rutter, Poulenc, Borne, and Bizet.

Photo of dancer for Spring Dance event

April 9, 2025

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Spring Dance Concert An evening of original choreography by majors and guest artists.

An evening of original choreography by majors and guest artists.

Department News

Art and Dance Professors Create a 'Chromatic Altar' at Guggenheim

Dannielle Tegeder, Amy Larimer, and Lehman dancers reimagine museum as mystical space

Penny Prince Spreads the Word about Reentry@Lehman

Committee founder interviewed on Bronx Buzz

Lehman's Kevin McIntosh-McEwen discusses healing power of dance on PIX11 News

Kofago Dance Ensemble performs at Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning

Amy Larimer honored by the New York State Dance Education Association

Dance program director wins Innovative Dance Educator Award

An Actor Prepares—and Teaches at Lehman

Jennifer McCabe on acting and being

Lehman Alumna Named Official Representative of Dominican Diaspora

Celinés Toribio is DR Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for Dominican Communities Abroad