Jennifer MacKenzie

E-mail Address:

Phone Number: 718-960-8893
Office: Carman Hall 394
Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, In-Person/Virtual
Rank: Lecturer (Joint Appointment with English)
Degrees and Sources of Degrees: B.A., Wesleyan University; M.F.A., University of Iowa

Jennifer MacKenzie is a writer, poet and journalist who has been a lecturer in Lehman’s departments of Journalism and Media Studies and English since 2014. Her full-length book of poems, My Not-My Soldier, was published as part of Fence Books Modern Poets Series. She has published poems widely, most recently in ImagePrelude, jubilat, and Conduit. Her literary journalism and reviews have appeared in outlets including the Kenyon Review Online, HuffPost, Religion and Politics, Guernica,Hyperallergic and Killing the Buddha, as cited by Longform. Her work is rooted in care webs and cultures of resistance as they intersect with neoliberal wars, necropolitics and intergenerational trauma. Her teaching incorporates multimodal approaches to writing and communication, including podcasting, oral history, globally networked learning environments, and local archival research. She loves Arabic and Spanish as well as English.