Victoria Sterling

Carman Hall 384




B.A. Film/Theatre Arts, U.C.L.A.
M.B.A., NY Institute of Technology
M.A. English, Lehman College


As a professional technical writer, Victoria Sterling is focused on implementing a content management system in New York City government after two years of research into systems and content writing strategies.

As an instructor at Lehman, she continues to focus on business writing (ENW300) in the online classroom. She orients class discussions towards global economic issues through the work of Jeffrey Sachs, and pursues texts that provide her with a greater understanding of income inequality (Thomas Pikkety, Robert J. Gordon, Robert B. Reich, among others), a topic of great interest to her and to many of the students she serves.

Professor Sterling also follows early American literature, especially through the James Fenimore Cooper Society, which published one of her papers on its website.