Salita Bryant
Carman Hall 385


B.A., Georgia Southern University
M.F.A., New York University
M.A., M.Ed, Ph.D., University of Mississippi


Dr. Salita S. Bryant is an Associate Professor in the English Department.

She holds an MFA in poetry from New York University, a Ph.D. in Early American Literature, an M.Ed. in Clinical Counseling and an M.A. in British Literature from the University of Mississippi, and a BS in Sociology and Psychology from Georgia Southern University. She is currently a psychoanalytic candidate with the Harlem Family Institute.

She is author of Addie Bundren is Dead, Finishing Line Press & is Associate editor ofLiberty's Captives: Narratives of Confinement in the Print Culture of the Early Republic, University of Georgia Press.

Publications include numerous poems, critical essays, broadsides, reviews, and a libretto, “Lady Killers.” As well, she has won numerous awards, such as the Spoon River Poetry Review Editors’ Prize, Boulevard Emerging Poet’s Award, Iron Horse Literary Review Discovered Voices Award, Midwest Writing Center’s Poetry Contest, Connecticut Poetry Award, the Gradiva Award, from the National Association for The Advancement of Psychoanalysis, Porter Fleming Writing Competition, The Bondurant, The Ventress Prize, and the Ella Somerville Prizes, and placed in The North American Review James Hearst Poetry Prize, Nimrod’s Hardman Pablo Neruda Prize, New Letters Award, Nimrod PrizeThe Marlboro Review Prize, The Broad River Review Rash Award, Dogwood Prize & the Dogwood Award, the South Carolina Review, Alimentum, The MacGuffin, and Third Coast contests, and the Atlanta Review’s International Poetry Competition among others.

She has been nominated for three Pushcarts and has given 100s of poetry readings, workshops and critical presentations across the world.

She has served Lehman College as Arts & Humanities Associate Dean, The President’s College Branding Task Force, Middle States Periodic Review, Graduate Curriculum Committee, Chair Provost’s Assessment Council, Divisional Curriculum Committee, CUNY Grant Review Panels, Provost’s Faculty Research Advisory Board, Experiential Learning Committee, AAC&U Task Force, and AAC&U Integrative Learning Council, Academic Momentum Committee, Labor Arts Fiction Judge, among others.

As well she has served in numerous department positions and committees, including English Graduate Director, Assessment Coordinator, Faculty Senate, English Advisor, Departmental Prioritization Group, among many, many others.