Wellness Coaching

The Wellness Coaching Program is a peer-to-peer based program where students facilitate positive behavioral change through advocacy, education and support. Wellness Coaches empower other students by providing them with tools and strategies they need to make healthy choices.


How the Program Works

Students can schedule 45-minute Wellness Coaching sessions with a trained Wellness Promoter. During this one-on-one session, Promoters will conduct a wellness assessment and help the student develop SMART goals based on their assessment. Together, they will create a plan to help the student reach their goals.

Coaching sessions can be conducted in-person in the Wellness Center or virtually.

Scheduling a Coaching Session

Students can schedule a free wellness coaching session by clicking here. Please note, sessions are on a first come, first served basis.

Questions? Reach out the Wellness team at wellness.education@lehman.cuny.edu.