Classroom Workshops (For Faculty)


The Wellness Education and Promotion Program provides faculty with classroom workshops on a variety of health-related topics that are relevant to the lives of college students.

Our workshop topics include:

  • Time Management
  • What is Wellness?
  • Self-Care
  • Nutrition
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs

If you know of a specific date you will not be available to teach a class, contact the Wellness Education and Promotion Program to schedule a classroom workshop during that time.

Learn more about our workshops below, and if you would like to schedule a workshop for your class or club, contact us.

Time Management

This interactive workshop includes a discussion about SMART goals and provides participants with tips and tools for successful time management. Participants will practice time management techniques that will help increase productivity.

What is Wellness?

Wellness is a choice and one that can be a daunting task. This workshop explores the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Participants will learn what each dimension is and will complete a wellness assessment to see how each area is reflected in their life. They will learn tips for prioritizing various areas of wellness.

Self-Care 101

Self-care can often times be thought of as selfish. However, self-care is essential to maintaining wellbeing. This workshop will teach students what self-care means and will help students explore ways to prioritize their self-care. Participants will engage in a DIY self-care activity and will leave with tips for maintaining self-care.

Nutrition 101

People often confuse the word “diet” as a change in eating behavior when in fact “diet” is what we eat at any given point in time. In this workshop, students will be asked for a 24-hour recall of what they have had to eat. The responses will be grouped into the different parts of the Healthy Food Plate and will be evaluated on its healthiness and how to make it healthier. The six essential nutrients will be discussed, highlighting the benefits of eating a well-balanced diet. Students will also be given tips on how to eat healthily on and off campus, offering different options that are within a half-mile radius. This workshop includes an anonymous pre-and-post-test evaluation for students to complete.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Currently, alcohol and substance misuse is on the rise. This issue impacts students in many ways including academic and personal goals. This workshop is a trivia style workshop that will provide students with knowledge about various issues about alcohol and other drugs. It covers standard drinks, BAC levels, and social norms data. Students will also complete a free alcohol screening to help them learn about their use and how it may be impacting their goals.

Interested in scheduling a workshop for your class, program or club? Click here.