
The Department of Public Safety received a report of a headphone-snatching incident that occurred today, February 25, 2025. The incident took place between approximately 8:10-8:20 AM at the intersection of Goulden Avenue by High School of American Students. The suspect fled the scene in a bicycle headed eastbound on Bedford Park Blvd W. Description and Incident have been reported to the NYPD, but no arrests have been made. 

The College community are encouraged to remain alert and aware of their surroundings and to avoid having electronic devices/ valuables in plain-view. Commuters are also encouraged to wait for MTA bus inside the bus shelter.


As a reminder:

  • Using Your Cell Phone as an Emergency Tool, ICE (In Case of Emergency) Numbers.
  • Know where the nearest Emergency call box or Blue Light lamp post are located on campus to contact Public Safety.
  • Individuals who are on/near campus and behaving suspiciously should be immediately reported to Public Safety staff at either Ext. 7777 or 8228.
  • Students, Faculty, and Staff can request an escort if they feel unsafe walking to or from a parking lot, between buildings or the nearest subway station. Public Safety is available 24/7 for those who wish an escort and can call Ext. 7777 or 8228 or 718-960-8228 from a cellphone.
  • Students, Faculty and Staff should avoid areas that are isolated or poorly lit.
  • Travel in groups whenever possible.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please call 911 and/ or report to Public Safety at:


As part of Lehman College's commitment to providing campus related crime information, Public Safety would like to update the community about the recent phone snatching incidents that were reported on March 13, 2024.

To ensure the safety of the Lehman College community, Public Safety is taking a proactive approach. We have reached out to the our local precincts to provide extra patrols around the campus. We have given a directive to all Public Safety tours to conduct mobile and foot patrols along Goulden Avenue and Bedford Park Blvd., especially at the bus stop areas, to serve as a deterrence and presence.


On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the Department of Public Safety received a report of two (2) phone snatching incidents involving a male and a female Lehman College student at the MTA BX22 bus stops located by Gate #1 and Gate #6 which occurred between 12:51PM and 1:03PM.

The suspect was described as male, Black, medium-built, riding a moped, wearing all black with a ski mask. The suspect's description and the incident has been reported to the NYPD however, no arrests have been made.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please call 911 and/or report to Public Safety at: 718-960-8228/7777 or visit the website.

The College community is encouraged to remain alert and aware of their surroundings and to avoid having electronic devices/valuables in plain view. Commuters are also encouraged to wait for MTA buses inside the bus shelter.

As a Reminder

  • Using your cellphone as an emergency tool, ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers
  • Know where the nearest emergency call box or Blue Light lamp posts are located on campus to contact Public Safety.
  • Individuals who are on/near the campus and are behaving suspiciously should be immediately reported to Public Safety staff at either ext. 7777 or 8228.
  • Students, faculty, and staff can request a Public Safety escort if they feel unsafe walking to or from a campus parking lot, between campus buildings or the nearest subway station. Public Safety is available 24/7 and can be called at ext. 7777 or 8228 or 718-960-8228 for requests.
  • Students, faculty, and staff should avoid areas that are isolated or poorly lit.
  • Travel in groups whenever possible.

Learn more about how to protect yourself

The members of the Office of Public Safety strive to ensure the safety and security of the campus community and its visitors by providing information and guidelines on what do should an emergency situation occurs on campus.