Dr. Erica M. Ponteen, PhD, LCSW earned her master’s degree at New York University, Silver School of Social Work and subsequently completed her Ph.D. at Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service. Her scholarly work also has made significant contributions to the understanding and application of trauma-informed clinical practices, especially as they pertain to parenting behaviors, women’s mental health, and military social work. She is an expert in trauma-informed practice.
Dr. Ponteen directed programs related to domestic violence at Safe Horizon and Field Education at Alliance University, School of Social Work. Her professional journey includes a tenure within the federal government sector, where she served as a Clinical Social Worker and supported the Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) in a Veteran Health Administration where she provided leadership to the Division of Veteran Affairs to develop a comprehensive program to address the clinical needs of Veterans, their partners, caregivers, and VHA employees who use or experience intimate partner violence. As Co-Lead IPVAP consultant, she worked with all regional VISN 2 IPVAP staff to develop and coordinate services across the VISN to advance the IPVAP’s mission and goals.
Dr. Ponteen serves as adjunct lecturer to New York University, Fordham University, Yeshiva University, Alliance University, and SUNY, Empire College School. Her continued scholarship, research, clinical experience, and public service pursuits have consistently centered on critical areas underscores her commitment to advancing social justice and improving mental health outcomes for the most vulnerable populations. Her leadership reflects an abiding commitment to the core values of clinical social work, advocacy, research, and academic excellence.