Jennifer Adler
Academic Advisor
Onboarding Advisement Office


Degree: B.A. in English from Lehman College

Previous experience:
 Customer Service

Fun facts about Jennifer:
 Her favorite color is green. She loves all felines, but she currently does not have any pets. She loves to read and spend time outdoors, traveling on her time off. Born and raised in NYC, she loves exploring new areas and trying new things. The majority of her time as an Undergrad student, she went part time and she feels that there is a path for everyone, but you sometimes have to create it. Bucket list: Travel more, sky dive (she’s afraid of heights), ride a motorcycle, and continue adding things to her list!

Best piece of advice to younger self:
 “It will get better. Life is not always a straight line, and just because you can’t see an opportunity coming towards you does not mean it’s not on its way.”