Office Hours
Via Zoom. Email to schedule an appointment. Via Zoom: Mondays and Fridays, 4 pm - 5 pm, and Wednesdays by appointment.

Dr. Joye Smith is an Associate Professor and Co-Coordinator in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL P-12) in the Department of Middle/ High School. She currently coordinates the MSED and Adv. Certificate in TESOL, the Bilingual Extension grades 5-12, and the Clinically Rich Intensive Teaching Institute Bilingual Extension grant 5-12. She completed her M.A. in TESOL and her doctorate in Applied Linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she studied the assessment of writing portfolios.
Dr. Smith’s research interests include best practices for teachers of English Language Learners/ Emergent Bilingual Learners (ELLs/ EBLs); writing assessment; and teaching language from a functionalist, socio-critical perspective across the content areas. She recently published in the international TESOL Journal and the NYS TESOL Journal and contributed a chapter to an NYS TESOL e-book on Community Mapping. She has presented her research at international, national, and regional conferences as well as at regional workshops. She is a reviewer for the TESOL Convention, the TESOL Journal, and Frontiers in Psychology.
Before coming to Lehman, Dr. Smith taught English abroad and in the New York City metro area to schoolchildren, adolescents, and adults.