Olena Zhadko
Director Of Online Education
Center for Teaching and Learning


Olena Zhadko

Dr. Olena Zhadko has 15 years of experience in the field of educational technology and a PhD in teaching and learning. She has worked at three institutions of higher education providing leadership into best practices for curriculum development, program delivery, and assessment through the effective use of learning technology and innovative educational initiatives. She has also taught online for over a decade at a variety of institutions and organizations, including serving as faculty for the Online Learning Consortium Institute. She is the co-author with Susan Ko of Best Practices in Designing Courses with Open Educational Resources (2020) and Best Practices for Mentoring in Online Programs: Supporting Faculty and Students in Higher Education (2022). She serves as the Director of Online Education at Lehman College, City University of New York, acting as the College’s senior administrator charged with the oversight of all facets of digital learning.