Susan A. Dumais

faculty-dumais I joined the sociology department at Lehman College in 2013 as an associate professor. In my years here, I have been impressed by the diversity, passion, and perseverance of our sociology majors. I began serving as the sociology major advisor in July 2020 and enjoy helping students with planning their schedules and enrolling in classes.

For the past few years I have been teaching SOC 345 (Quantitative Analysis of Sociological Data) in the fall and spring, and SOC 235 (Education and Society) in the summer and winter. I have also taught SOC 301 (Research Methods), SOC 335 (Education, Politics, and Society: Global and Cross-Cultural Perspectives), and SOC 3360 (Education and Inequality) at Lehman, and a seminar in Sociology of Education at the Graduate Center.

As you may guess from the courses I teach, my sociological interests are education, culture, and inequality. In my research, I study the adult outcomes and cultural capital of first-generation college graduates; investigate changes in the importance of cultural capital over time and across national contexts; and considering stratifying factors beyond social class where cultural capital may be reproducing inequalities, and consider other structures beyond schools that may generate inequality, such as the foster care system. Please see my CV for information on recent publications and ongoing research.

My office is B-64 Carman, and the easiest way to get in touch with me is via email, at

  • CV (PDF)