Daniel Kabat

kabat_000Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy

For more information see my personal webpage

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D., 1993), California Polytechnic State Univ. (B.S, 1988).

Theoretical high-energy physics, in particular string theory, quantum gravity and AdS/CFT. The ultimate goal of this research is to understand the behavior of gravity, including cosmology and black holes, in a mathematically well-defined setting.

A complete list of publications is available from the inSPIRE database or the e-print archive.

You can also view my Google Scholar profile.

  • Light-ray moments as endpoint contributions to modular Hamiltonians (with G. Lifschytz, P. Nguyen and D. Sarkar), JHEP 2021, 74 (2021), arXiv:2103.08636 [hep-th].
  • Black hole hair from scalar dark matter (with L. Hui, X. Li, L. Santoni and S. Wong), JCAP 1906 (2019) 038, arXiv:1904.12803 [gr-qc].
  • Emergence of spacetime from the algebra of total modular Hamiltonians (with G. Lifschytz), JHEP 1905 (2019) 017, arXiv:1812.02915 [hep-th].
  • Does boundary quantum mechanics imply quantum mechanics in the bulk? (with G. Lifschytz), JHEP 1803 (2018) 151, arXiv:1801.08101 [hep-th].
  • Bulk equations of motion from CFT correlators (with G. Lifschytz), JHEP 1509 (2015) 059, arXiv:1505.03755 [hep-th].
  • On the mutual information in Hawking radiation (with N. Iizuka), Phys. Rev. D88 (2013) 084010, arXiv:1308.2386 [hep-th].
  • Constructing local bulk observables in interacting AdS/CFT (with 
G. Lifschytz and D. Lowe), Phys. Rev. D83 (2011) 106009, arXiv:1102.2910 [hep-th].
  • Edges and diffractive effects in Casimir energies (with D. Karabali and V.P. Nair), Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 125013, arXiv:1002.3575 [hep- th].
  • A bulk inflaton from large-volume extra dimensions (with B. Greene, J. Levin and D. Thurston), Phys. Lett. B694 (2011) 485, arXiv:1001.1423 [hep-th].
  • Bouncing and cyclic string gas cosmologies (with B. Greene and S. Marnerides), Phys. Rev. D80 (2009) 063526, arXiv:0809.1704 [hep-th].

Daniel Kabat received his B.S. in physics and mathematics from California Polytechnic State University in 1988 and his Ph.D. in physics from MIT in 1993. He held post-doctoral positions at Rutgers University, New York University and the Institute for Advanced Study. He joined the faculty at Columbia University in 1999 before moving to Lehman College in 2008.