School of Natural & Social Sciences
Department of School of Natural And Social Sciences
Science Hall, Room 1403

What is a P-H-D?
In Latin it stands for Philosophiae Doctor which is a Doctor of Philosophy. There are many doctorate degrees – we are all familiar with the M.D. or medical doctor. There is also the J.D. or juris doctor, although we don’t call lawyers “doctors.”
The PhD degree is unique in being a research degree. It is an opportunity to deeply dive into an area of interest and contribute new knowledge and new ways of thinking.
Look at the list of research topics from our faculty on this website and look at some of their PhD research titles.
You will see how different the areas are and, if you dig deeper, you will also see that research is in laboratories, research is in the field, in the library and archives, and may times all over the world.
But common to all PhD students is a deep desire to find solutions to vexing problems. This is accomplished by finding evidence to make claims, and to engage, debate and reframe with other scholars to further human knowledge.
So, is a PhD for you?
As an undergraduate, you may think a PhD is so far away. I’m sure it seems far away, but even 1st year students can begin to think about participating in knowledge creation. First step is to talk to your teachers about what are their areas of research interest and how to get involved in independent study classes.
Moreover, some of you may be thinking how do I pay for it, how long does it take to get a PhD?
I know, I was there too!
In some areas, doctoral students are given stipends to help cover living expenses and tuition. In other fields of research, doctoral students teach to help pay their bills. Generally, it takes about 4 to 5 years to complete a PhD and simultaneously earn a master's degree.
Better yet, let me introduce you to Lehman College graduates and doctoral students who had similar questions and concerns, and how they navigated through these issues and eventually decided to pursue PhD.
If you like what you have seen and heard, our promise to you is this: our courses will prepare you, our advisors will guide you, and our faculty will mentor you in this journey.
Please contact us at with any questions.