This page contains information on the following topics:
- Prerequisite Courses
- Review Materials
- Syllabi and Projects for 104, 172, 175, 155, 176, 156, and 226
- Online Materials for calculus students, including free Maple software
- Information for Calculus Instructors and Professors
- Calculus Committee Members
It is recommended that students re-take any calculus or precalculus course with a C+ or below before proceeding to the subsequent course. Alternatively, the student may wish to study on their own doing all the homework in the prerequisite's syllabus. See below for the syllabi of our courses listed in order. Students are expected to know all the material on the syllabus regardless of what was covered in their particular sections of the course.
- Trigonometry Review Information
Note that these syllabi should be adhered to as much as possible so that these courses coincide exactly with its corequisites and prepare students for future classes. The homework on the syllabi is just recommended. Faculty may copy the source files for these syllabi to create their own webpages where they can post their homework assignments and day-to-day progress.
- MAT 104 College Algebra [PDF] is the prerequisite to Precalculus.
- MAT 171 Business Precalculus Syllabus [PDF]
- MAT 172 Precalculus Syllabus [PDF] .
- MAT 174 Elements Of Calculus Syllabus. [PDF]
- MAT 175 Calculus I Syllabus. [PDF]
- MAT 155 Calculus I Laboratory Syllabus and Projects.
- MAT 176 Calculus II Syllabus [PDF]
- MAT 156 Calculus II Laboratory Syllabus and Projects.
- MAT 226 Intermediate Calculus I [PDF] is often called Calculus III or Vector Calculus at other universities.
All students must take and pass a Department uniform final exam in order to pass the course. This final will be given during finals week at the end of the semester. A sample final exam can be found in the Department Office, Room 211 of Gillet Hall. A Sample Final Exam is given in the following links:
- MAT 175 Sample Final Exam [PDF]
- MAT 176 Sample Final Exam [PDF]
Online Material for Calculus Students
- Maple software is available for all CUNY students. To obtain a copy, visit CUNY eMall.
- Most importantly, the syllabi listed above will guide students through their texts and inform them about prerequisite subject matter.
- Copies of the above syllabi must be distributed at the beginning of the semester with an attachment concerning the particular faculty member's grading policy, office hours, and contact information.
- Renato Ghini Bettiol (Chair)
- Robert Schneiderman
- Nikola Lakic
- Joseph Fera
- Christina Sormani