Caitlyn Jeri Linehan

CLinehan smaller version

Current location
Santa Barbara, California

Date of Graduation from Lehman
May 2021

Type of degree/major/specialization/certificate
MS in GIScience 

Subsequent degrees earned or in progress

I am currently working towards my PhD in Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara

Positions held since graduating
PhD Student in Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara

Type of work you do there
I am pursuing a PhD in Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  My primary research interests lie in exploring human movement in urban areas. I am specifically interested in modeling walkability and connectivity in urban areas to regions that provide environmental services such as green spaces. I have a passion for ensuring equity of green space access especially in underserved communities.

Geography or GISc activities and/or accomplishments, awards, internships, publications

October 2023: Outstanding Doctoral Paper Award at the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (Regional AAG Meeting)

September 2023: Awardee of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship

Comments on the EEGS Dept Program you were enrolled in

Lehman's Masters in GIScience Program prepared because it gave me the ability to think critically and spatially about issues around me. It gave me the technical skills to transition into a PhD program in Geography.

What else have you been up to?

Moved across the country to California!