Josey Rabare

Josey RabareCurrent Location:
Albany, NY

Date of Graduation from Lehman:
May 2017

Type of degree/major/specialization/certificate
MS in GISc

Subsequent degrees earned or in progress

Title of MS-GISc or GISc Certificate capstone project
“Teenage Fertility and Socio-economic stressors in NYC: A Comparison of trends in 2010 and 2015.”

Positions held since graduating
Currently I am a Mapping Technologist for the City Of Albany Water Department.

Type of work you do there
At the Albany Water Department, I do the following; I am responsible for the management of mapping information and development of Geographic Information Systems/System layer including web services; I receive and respond to requests for GIS support by providing technical assistance to users/department personnel and assist in defining the practical aspects of GIS applications; I perform technical GIS analysis, project management & support; I develop and maintains GIS infrastructure & security; I perform editing analysis of the city’s water infrastructure database to ensure they are up to date. I perform GPS point collection on the field of water infrastructure and transfer them into our GIS system.

Specific accomplishments of which you are most proud
The specific accomplishment that I am most proud of is that through the course of 2 years at Lehman’s Department of EEGS my cartographic map designs and presentation improved. When I started the program, my map designs were very basic but through the classes I took they improved to the point where at the end they were being commended by my professors. Another accomplishment that I am most proud of is my time management when it came to priorities while at Lehman. I was successfully able to complete my class projects, despite having multiple priorities that were outside school.

Geography or GISc activities and/or accomplishments, awards, internships, publications
I interned as a College Aide at NYCDOT and was awarded certificate of appreciation for my GIS work’s contribution to the vision zero efforts of the company. Vision zero is the company’s goal to reduce accidents in the city to zero in 40 years. I presented to the commissioner and local stakeholders on efficient ways to manage water infrastructure using GIS.

Overall assessment of how Lehman’s EEGS Program prepared you for your current life
Lehman’s EEGS program was very crucial in preparing me for some of the work that I do now. For example I am doing a lot of GPS point collection on the field and transferring these points into ArcGIS. Without the GPS knowledge I acquired at EEGS program it would be difficult to conduct the tasks. The EEGS program was also very crucial in shaping up and improving my cartographic design skills. This is crucial because my current work also involves designing maps to present to the Department Commissioner and other co-workers. I came into the EEGS program with basic knowledge of ArcGIS spatial analyses. The program did a very good job in introducing me to various spatial analysis skills that are crucial in some of the tasks I do and will remain crucial in my future GIS career.

Comments on the EEGS Dep't Program you were enrolled in
The M.S GISc program is a good program and I especially appreciated how the professors can work with you if you get overwhelmed with projects due to other things and priorities. If you come into the program with basic map design skills, you will leave the program as an expert cartographer. They have very good classes that will introduce you to the skills that are crucial in the current GIS job market. The program also does a very good job in placing its students into various internship programs, especially in government positions in NYC, some of which end up becoming full time jobs for some students.

What else have you been up to? Details/news of personal life you would like to share (marriage, children, hobbies, interests, etc.)
Having moved to upstate New York I have been doing alot of outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming and kayaking. I also occasionally visit NYC on the weekends for sightseeing because I feel like I left without seeing enough.