This collection of resources for faculty is a thoroughly collaborative effort. It reflects the work of current and former WAC Coordinators Elaine Avidon, Sondra Perl, Tyler Schmidt, Marcie Wolfe, and Jessica Yood, who have brought together Lehman faculty throughout the years to address issues around writing in the college classroom.

It draws on the scholarship of Peter Elbow, Ann Berthoff, and John Bean, among others. And, it is the product of work by more than twenty-five Lehman faculty from over ten academic disciplines who, in collaboration with Graduate Writing Fellows, have participated in WAC’s faculty development workshops, experimented with various ways of using writing in their teaching, and generously made their work available to the larger college community.

Designing a Writing-Enhanced Course

Somethings to think about in creating a writing-enhanced syllabus or in revising your course to include more students writing.

Engagement and Participation

A few specific strategies that faculty have used to create active, participatory classrooms.

Writing and Critical Reading

Perhaps the best way to encourage students to read carefully and critically is to ask them to respond to their reading with low-stakes writing.

Creating Effective Writing Assignments

There is no simple recipe for creating good writing assignments, but here are some things to think about and to try.

Supporting Student Revisions

Here are some strategies for encouraging and supporting students in the challenging process of revision.

Handling Surface Error in Student Writing

Here are ways to support students who consistently produce error-filled papers and to give them the tools to become more skilled writers of academic prose.

Writing and Quantitative Reasoning

Here are resources and suggested readings for faculty interested in writing and quantitative reasoning.