Field Experience Forms and Information

NYSED Fieldwork Guidelines:

All School of Education students must take courses that include New York State required fieldwork hours in PK – 12 schools. Level 1 Fieldwork courses include classroom observation hours and Level 2 Fieldwork courses may include small group work and tutoring opportunities. These content and grade specific required experiences prepare teacher candidates for the capstone Student Teaching/Internship semester. If you have questions, please contact your program advisor.

Most programs are required to must include:

  • at least 100 clock hours of field experiences related to coursework prior to student teaching; and
  • at least 15 of the 100 clock hours of field experience should include a focus on understanding the needs of students with disabilities.
  • See: NYSED Core Requirements for Teacher Preparation Programs

Candidates must maintain attendance sheets to successfully complete NYSED requirements. Fieldwork hours should include experiences across your certification area (as identified below). Signed attendance sheets will be required for student teaching/Intern applications. Lehman College faculty/instructors should provide guidance and assignments designed to complete required hours.

Certification Age/Grade Range Required Age Groups/Grades for Field Experiences should offer field experiences across the age/grade range of your program's proposed certification area. For example, you should have experiences in:

Certification Age/Grade Range Required Age Groups/Grades for Field Experiences
Birth-Grade 2 Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, AND 1 through 2
Grades 1 through 6 Grades 1 through 3 AND Grades 4 through 6
Grades 5 through 9 Grades 5 through 6 AND 7 through 9
Grades 7 through 12 Grades 7 through 9 AND 10 through 12
Kindergarten through Grade 12 Kindergarten through Grade 6 AND Grades 7 through 12

MHSE Undergraduate Fieldwork Courses & Guidelines


  1. Fingerprinting – All Lehman College School of Education (SOE) students must be fingerprinted and pass a NYCPS (New York City Public Schools) background check prior to receiving fieldwork placement assistance. Your status in the NYCPS Personnel Eligibility Tracking System (PETS) must be listed as “Eligible,” before you can be placed. It’s never too soon to be fingerprinted and the effort and expense will be beneficial to your career. Visit our Fingerprinting webpage for details.

  2. Fieldwork Placement Application: Complete a Fieldwork Application form, including program, dates available, # fieldwork hours required, etc. The Office of Clinical Practice and Partnerships will contact you with fieldwork placement information. This form should be received no later than the 8th week of your semester.
  3. Fieldwork Placement OR Fingerprinting Questions?
    Email: with “Full Name + Fieldwork Question" or "Full Name + Fingerprinting Question” in the subject line of email. Provide your Full Name, EMPL ID, program and question and/or request our Office Hours zoom link in the body of the email. We will provide open office hours and/or phone number for personal support.
  4. Signed Fieldwork Attendance Sheets (below) – Students are required to:

    • SUBMIT a signed attendance sheet to the course instructor. (For example, it may be an assignment in instructor’s Blackboard course.)
    • SAVE a copy of the signed attendance sheet for your records! Do not lose or delete!
    • Your attendance sheets should add up to the 100 + required fieldwork hours and reflect a variety of grades based on the content area and your NYSED teacher certification area.

Attendance Timesheet

Below are some attendance sheets, but instructors may also have their own versions. Faculty advisor/instructor will authorize with your final grade that all coursework and fieldwork hours have been completed.

Field Experience Timesheets:

Methods Courses Timesheets


Depending on the program, course and fieldwork hours required, Lehman College instructors should guide candidates to observe/tutor/work with small groups in-person as part of her/his course assignments.Student should be encouraged to gain experiences in a variety of grades that meet her/his NYSED Teacher Certification area.

Instructors, please:

  • Advise students to take the necessary steps listed above to be ready for required fieldwork hours.
  • Assist directly with placements.
  • Build visits to schools together into coursework.
  • Guide candidates to find their own experiences with individual students or in schools near where they live.
  • If necessary, send candidates to if they have trouble securing a PK – 12 fieldwork experience.
    • If fieldwork placement assistance is necessary, students must contact or visit the Office of Clinical Practice early in the semester and no later than Week 8. The Office of Clinical Practice & Partnerships cannot guarantee a fieldwork placement if candidate communicates or visits after week 8 of the semester.
    • Students will need to have NYCPS Fingerprinting clearance to receive Fieldwork placement assistance.

Instructors should:

  • Guide students to upload or hand-in their signed timesheets as part of your course (and grade).
  • Advise candidates to KEEP a copy of the attendance sheet(s) as a record of school/grade/hours or age of students worked with in field hours. School of Education offices and advisors may ask for this information.
  • Include successful completion and review of fieldwork hours attendance timesheets and related assignments in final course grade
  • Support Program Advisors who need to confirm candidates have successfully completed required fieldwork hours when approving student teaching/Intern application.

Fieldwork Questions Answered for Middle & High School Instructors:

My student has been fingerprinted, has a school identified to complete fieldwork hours and has completed the L360 Fingerprinting form. Can the student begin their observations? No. Our Clinical Practice Fingerprinting Clearance Manager needs to check the NYCPS Personnel Eligibility Tracking System (PETS) to determine if the student has received fingerprinting clearance. Students cannot begin observation or any other fieldwork hours without official NYCPS clearance. Students should contact with "Fingerprinting + full name + EMPLID" in the subject line. They would write question in the body of the email.

Can a student do fieldwork outside of NYC schools (like Westchester or Orange County? Yes, if it is cleared with the professor of the course.* A professor may have established a relationship with a school for specific types of field hours and assignments. Ultimately, the decision lies with the professor of the course, including whether they allow students to select their own schools. *Students will also need to follow the school's requirements for working with PK-12 students (which likely includes fingerprinting clearance).

I have a student who is already a certified elementary school teacher and works full time in an elementary school and is taking the class to get their Masters and Professional license.  Do they still need the fieldwork and if so, can they do it in their current school where they work? Same answer as above HOWEVER, the field work must align with the certification grade bands and subject area. For example, if the student is pursuing a middle and high school degree, then completing fieldwork hours an elementary school will not suffice. 

I have a student who is taking this one class (works full-time in Finance industry) to explore education/teaching (not yet in a certification program).  Are the fieldwork hours still required? Yes, field hours are an integral part of the course whether someone is continuing or not. The exploration process would not be complete without field hours. Further, the individual could decide to become a teacher later and then they may not earn the proper number of field hours required by the State.