Customized Programs for Adult Learners


Adult Learners Main Photo

Workforce Education is expert in customizing training for people who are fulfilling a dream to change their careers. Our faculty have practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge and instruction is hands-on and experiential, combined with advisement support. We believe “It is never too late to change your career or finish your degree.”  


Computer Service Technician

Customized training offered nights and weekends when adults have time to invest in a new career.  

Adult Degree Program

Partner with employers and unions to help their adult learners finish their degree and advance their careers 

Healthcare Certificate Programs

Providing the extra supports need by adults to earn the healthcare industry credentials required.  



Marijan Deda, Computer Technician 

Marijan Deda Computer Technician

Marijan Deda, Mario to his friends, is a lifelong New Yorker. He had a good job as a doorman but felt stuck. Mario enrolled in CompTIA+ Computer Technician program at Lehman College to turn his interest in computers into a career. After completing the program, he joined Lehman’s IT department as a help desk technician. “I had a good job, but it wasn’t where I wanted to be. I’d been studying computer science and computers for a while and that’s what I wanted my path to be...what I really loved.” Read More 



Lauren Grahman, BS (3 majors)  

Lauren Grahman, BS

Lauren Graham graduated from the adult degree program at Lehman College in Fall 2021 with a degree in Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry. She has been accepted into Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Worchester for an accelerated Doctor of Pharmacy program with a $60,000 scholarship based on her academic achievements. Getting my degree after all of these years was such a good feeling. After years of working all of my random jobs, it made it feel like a blip because at the end of it I finally got what I wanted. For anyone who wants to do this, I’d say stop waiting and do it.  



Dorothea Marville, PCT  

Dorothea Marville, PCT

Dorothea Marville is a 33-year-old CNA (certified nursing assistant) working at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. Lehman College helped her prepare to make a transition from retail to her dream career in healthcare after she completed her GED. Dorothea completed her CNA certification through Lehman College in 2021 and PCT (patient care technician) certification in 2022. Read More