Testing Accommodation Procedures

The Office of Student Disability Services strongly encourages faculty to provide testing accommodations to students who qualify; our staff is available to support and assist you in the administration of exams on behalf of our students

Our Testing Center, located in room 238 Shuster Hall, is equipped with:

  • three computers containing assistive and general technology for students who require it.
  • A proctor, reader, or scribe can also be made available by our office.

Students who are eligible for testing accommodations during a test or a quiz, such as extended time, use of assistive technology, or a distraction-free room, should notify you at the beginning of the semester. Some professors request that SDS administers extended-time exams; other professors may choose to oversee exams themselves, with the required accommodations in place.

Students must follow the SDS testing accommodations policy to receive this service. An eligible student will be furnished with an accommodation letter, which they should present to you at the beginning of the semester, stating that they are entitled to receive testing accommodations. (It is the student’s responsibility to notify their professors and request alternative testing from them.)

If the exam is to be proctored by SDS, faculty should follow these steps:

  • Complete their portion of the Testing Accommodation Request form presented by the student, at least one week prior to the examination.
  • This form is then submitted to Doreen Patrick, our CUNY Office Assistant, who logs it and schedules the exam.
  • You must indicate the amount of time the class will have to complete the exam and provide clear instructions for SDS staff (e.g., open-book exam, no notes allowed, dictionary/calculator permitted, etc.)
  • Fax, e-mail, hand deliver, or inter-office mail the exam to the SDS office in room 238 Shuster Hall. (Once the student has completed the exam, unless otherwise specified, the proctor will hand deliver the exam to the department.)