Parent Participation

Development and implementation of a quality program for children is best accomplished with the support and participation of parents. Parental involvement is an integral part of our program. The Center has an “open door” policy, which encourages parents to drop by to observe their child or spend time with them during the day.

Parent/Teacher conferences are held twice a year, at the end of each semester. Impromptu meetings are held anytime there is a need. Daily communication between teachers and parents is strongly encouraged. Workshops and parent meetings are scheduled throughout the year dealing with topics such as curriculum, child development issues, nutrition, difficult behaviors, etc. Ideas for workshops and parent meetings are always welcome.

Parent Code of Responsibility

All parents are expected to act in a courteous manner toward all staff, parents, and children at the Center. Punctuality in dropping off and picking up children is expected. Should a parent feel the need to discipline their child while at the Center, parents are encouraged to follow the Center's discipline policy. Physical discipline will not be tolerated.

Grievance Policy

If at any time a parent has a concern or a problem about the center and they have already spoken with their classroom teacher, they should then use the following chain of command:

  • Center Director Jaci Maurer:  718-960-8746
  • Executive Director Dawn Barton: 718-960-5676