In order for your child to be eligible to attend the Child Care Center, you must be a matriculated Lehman College Student.

The Child Care offers rates that are designed for students attending college and are below the market rate. There is a Federal Grant (based on family size and income) available for qualifying students that will help with tuition, however, it will not cover the entire amount and is not a guaranteed grant.

Yes, we are not an approved program for public assistance agencies because Lehman College is a four-year institution that offers Bachelor degrees.

The Center is designed to offer child care only while the parent is attending classes. Evening child care is available for children ranging in ages from 4-9 years old at a rate of $6/hr for one child and $10/hr for two children.

No, the Center must adhere to the New York City Department of Health, Bureau of Day Care regulation, which requires that a child be no younger that two years of age.

In order for the child to be eligible to attend, the parent or legal guardian must submit court papers, and must be a matriculated student at Lehman College.

Your child’s schedule is dependent upon your class schedule. You are allowed to schedule extra study time, which is equal to the amount of credit hours you are registered for. Please keep in min that if you have class in the afternoon, we require your child to be at the Center no later than 9:30 a.m. each day, which would be considered extra study time.

At this time, spaces are reserved for students attending Lehman College. If a situation arose where there was an available space in the classroom, there is the possibility an exception could be made.

You can only register your two-year old. Our license for the Preschool program will only cover children from 2-5 years of age.

You may put your child’s name on the wait list and register during open enrollment period. The wait list is only valid for one year, so you will want to plan to place your child on the wait list accordingly.

When you enroll your child at the Center, you are contracting for the entire semester. Therefore, we do not offer a drop off care program.

If you drop a class, you will need to notify the Child Care as your schedule determines your child’s eligibility at the Center. Dropping a class may alter your child’s schedule or make them ineligible all together. Any changes to your schedule need to be done in person and in writing so that we may adjust your enrollment agreement.

Your child can be at the Center a maximum of eight hours each day. We will make every attempt to accommodate your class schedule; however, we have guidelines that we must adhere to as well.

Yes, each program is a separate program and your child is eligible for both programs as long as you remain a student attending classes during the time your child is enrolled at the Center.

As the Center requires parents to sign a contract for the entire semester, there is no available drop-off care. This allows us to keep appropriate teacher/child ratios in the classroom at all times.