
If you are an Exercise Science Major, you will continue to work with your major advisors, along with Dr. Scott Calvin, Pre-Health Advisor, we support you in your pursuit of your educational goals. Major advisors and Dr. Calvin will work on establishing a clear line of communication to ensure that you meet your major and general education requirements and reach the 120-credit minimum required for a bachelor's degree.

You can arrange an appointment with Dr. Calvin through the following: Pre-Health Program Hub


If you are a Recreation Education, or Therapeutic Recreation major, you will continue to work with your major advisors, along with Dyan Atkins, Senior Academic Advisor, as we support you in your pursuit of your educational goals.  Major advisors and Dyan Atkins will work on establishing a clear line of communication to ensure that you meet your major and general education requirements and reach the 120-credit minimum required for a bachelor's degree.

Students pursuing Minors in Recreation also will work with Dyan Atkins and major advisors.

Planning for degree completion is vital to ensure that you graduate in a timely fashion. As such, you should meet with Dyan Atkins at least once during the semester before your anticipated completion date so that we can verify that you will meet all the requirements for your degree.

You can arrange an appointment with Dyan Atkins through these links: General Advising Form for Recreation and Therapeutic Recreation Majors, Navigate, OR  Personal Meeting Link.