Archives and Library


The Mexican Studies Archives and Library (MSAL) holds books by Mexican and non-Mexican authors. Our collections include various publishers and topics such as: migration, history, gender, political science, and anthropology, as well as many other disciplines of interest to scholars and the community.

The MSAL is made possible thanks to the generous books donations by the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), and El Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH-UNAM), and other private donors.

Our team aims to provide students, researchers, faculty and the community at large with an institutional location dedicated to preserving the history of the Mexican experience in the United States, with a special interest in the Mexican diaspora in New York and the surrounding areas.

In 2018, we laid the groundwork for the creation of a physical and digital archive and resource library at Lehman College dedicated to preserving the rich history of the Mexican community in the United States.

For questions about the items in our collection feel free to contact us at:

The Mexican Studies Library and Archives at CUNY is open to the general public. We are located on the Second Floor of Carman Hall at Lehman College, Room 241.

Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM