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Lehman College

Getting Started

Welcome and congratulations on becoming a part of the Lehman community. At Lehman College, we seek to attract and recruit the best people to educate, engage, and empower our students. We are thrilled to have you join our exceptional faculty body. Your dedication to student success is what drives us, and we're committed to helping you excel in your new role.

Getting started on the right foot with our comprehensive multi-part onboarding program, designed in partnership with key campus resource providers including Human Resources, Information Technology, and Student Affairs, offers a wealth of opportunities to ensure you feel welcomed and supported from day one.

What to Expect

  • Connect with the College: Learn the ins and outs of Lehman and navigate your new environment with ease.
  • Discover Valuable Resources: Explore the extensive support systems available to you and your students.
  • Gain Essential Knowledge: Get up-to-speed on your rights, benefits, and important policies that affect you as a faculty member.
  • Meet Your Colleagues: Network with fellow faculty and administrators, fostering connections that will enrich your experience at Lehman.

Upcoming Onboarding Sessions

Enhancing Teaching with Digital Resources and Tools Workshop (Part 1)

Description: Enhancing Teaching with Digital Resources and Tools workshop is Part I of a two-part workshop focused on teaching with technology. New faculty will learn to effectively integrate digital tools to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. Participants will explore best practices for utilizing online resources to create dynamic, interactive course content. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with strategies to assess and select appropriate digital tools that align with their teaching objectives. Additionally, faculty will develop skills in leveraging technology to foster a more inclusive and accessible learning environment. The workshop aims to empower educators with the confidence and knowledge to innovate their teaching practices through digital means. This is a two-part workshop, please refer to “Essential CUNY & Lehman Digital Tools & Systems Workshop” (Part 2) for further teaching with technology details.

Date/Time: August 14, 2024, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Format: Online (synchronous) Register here.

Watch the Video

Essential CUNY & Lehman Digital Tools & Systems Workshop (Part 2)

Description: Essential CUNY & Lehman Digital Tools & Systems Workshop is Part II of a two-part workshop focused on teaching with technology. New faculty will deeply explore key digital tools essential for effective teaching and learning. Participants will learn to navigate and utilize Blackboard LMS for course management, employ VoiceThread for interactive multimedia discussions, and leverage Turnitin and SafeAssign for plagiarism detection. Additionally, the workshop covers the creation of engaging video content using Camtasia and Snagit, and the efficient use of Yuja for video management and lecture capture. Key takeaways include enhanced digital literacy, practical skills for integrating technology into the classroom, and strategies for improving student engagement and academic integrity. This is a two-part workshop, please refer to “Enhancing Teaching with Digital Resources and Tools Workshop” (Part 1) for further teaching with technology details.

Date/Time: August 14, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:45 pm
Format: Online (synchronous) Register here.

Watch the Video


Foundation for Success: A Guide to Lehman College (Part I)
Optimizing Human Resources, PSC Union, and Compliance and Diversity

Description: Foundation for Success: A Guide to Lehman College - Optimizing Human Resources, PSC Union, and Compliance and Diversity workshop Part I is part one of a two-part onboarding series designed to provide faculty with comprehensive knowledge of essential resources and organizational structures at Lehman College. In Part I faculty participants will gain a thorough understanding of Human Resource Benefits and Professional Staff Congress Union Benefits, ensuring they are well-informed about their entitlements and support systems. The workshop will also highlight the importance of fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace and classroom. This is a two-part workshop, please refer to Foundation for Success: A Guide to Lehman College (Part II) - Mastering Institutional Hierarchy, Governance, Tenure, Promotion, and Digital Measures for further onboarding details.

Date/Time: August 21, 2024 1:30 – 3:45 pm
Format: Online (synchronous) Register here.


Foundation for Success: A Guide to Lehman College (Part II)
Mastering Institutional Hierarchy, Governance, Tenure, Promotion, and Digital Measures

Description: Foundation for Success: A Guide to Lehman College - Mastering Institutional Hierarchy, Governance, Tenure, Promotion, and Digital Measures is Part II of a two-part onboarding series designed to provide faculty with comprehensive knowledge of essential resources and organizational structures at Lehman College. Faculty participants will explore the institutional hierarchy and governance at Lehman College, enabling them to navigate the organizational landscape effectively. An overview of the tenure and promotion timeline, evaluation and reappointment process will be provided, along with guidance on using Digital Measures for documenting professional achievements. By the end of the workshop series, faculty will be well-equipped with the necessary information and tools to succeed and thrive in

their roles at Lehman College. This is a two-part workshop, please refer to Foundation for Success: A Guide to Lehman College - Optimizing Human Resources, PSC Union, and Compliance and Diversity workshop Part I for further onboarding details.

Date/Time: August 22, 2024, 1:30 – 3:45 pm
Format: Online (synchronous) Register here.

New Faculty Orientation

Description: New Faculty Orientation (NFO) is designed to welcome and integrate new educators into the Lehman community. Orientation provides a comprehensive introduction to the resources and support systems available at Lehman College. The full-day in-person program includes sessions facilitated by key administrators, and faculty covering a wide range of topics, Student Enrollment and Support Services, Leadership in Action, and a Faculty Panel for New Educators offering valuable perspectives on institutional priorities and resources. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in professional headshots, the "Bronx Bound" guided bus tour to familiarize them with the local community. Orientation concludes with the Campus Mixer, providing a relaxed environment for networking and building connections with colleagues. This comprehensive program ensures that new faculty are well-prepared to thrive in their roles.

Format: (In Person) Register here.
Date/Time: August 23, 2024, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm

For questions related to onboarding, contact Alison Abreu, Associate Director of Educational Development

We look forward to supporting you on your journey at Lehman College!