Study Abroad
Clinical Experience Abroad - Summer 2018
Summer 2018 was the inaugural clinical experience abroad offered by the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Lehman College. Our Department has an international agreement through Lehman College with the Medical School of Universidade de São Paulo. Three of our graduate students (Amanda Starr, Kathy Velasco, Mabel Estevez) and two of our faculty members (Mira Goral and Talita Fortunato-Tavares) were in Sao Paulo for 20 days and spent most of their time at Hospital ds Clínicas, the largest hospital in Latin America. The Medical School of Universidade de Sao Paulo provided housing for Lehman students and faculty and they were given the opportunity to see many interesting cases of facial palsy, cleft, head and neck cancer, dysphagia across the lifespan, severe burns, progressive nervous system disorders, and facial and dental abnormalities in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Students of the Speech-language-hearing sciences program of Universidade de São Paulo generously planned cultural activities for the weekends.
The opportunity to collaborate, work, and share cultural perspectives with the speech-language pathology students, professionals, and faculty at Universidade de São Paulo was invaluable. Our department is currently working on expanding the number of agreements with different countries so our students have immersion opportunities for their clinical development, including cultural competency.
Mabel Estevez,
Graduate Student, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Lehman College
“Studying abroad, even if is only for a short period of time, is one of the best ways to foster personal and academic growth. I honestly did not know what to expect during this trip since we were the first group of students who participated in this exchange between Lehman College and the University of Sao Paulo. As part of this trip, we had the opportunity to be at the hospital and get hands-on experiences with the patients. We learned about the different assessment and treatment protocols that Speech Language Pathologists use and how culture affects the interactions between patients and clinicians. The people I met, the places I saw and the relationships that were built during this trip are invaluable. Life was different in those two weeks but different in the best kind of way. The constant support of the students and faculty at University of Sao Paulo made me feel like I was returning back home as opposed to arriving to a different country. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the professors and faculty members at Lehman College and University of Sao Paulo for making this amazing experience possible.”
Kathy Velasco,
Graduate Student, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Lehman College
“This professionally and culturally immersive experience at the University of São Paulo’s Hospital das Clínicas enhanced my understanding of the speech-language pathologist’s role in a variety of medical specialties. In both outpatient and inpatient settings, I observed and interacted with patients who were being treated for a host of different etiologies including severe burns, progressive nervous system disorders, cleft lip/palate, cerebrovascular disease, and congenital disorders. While becoming familiar with several medical treatment protocols, I also gained an invaluable perspective on cultural competence in a different country. Across age groups and disorders, the clinicians were highly skilled in educating their diverse patients, who travelled from national and international regions to seek the best medical treatment. This experience also fulfilled my personal interest in becoming fluent in Brazilian Portuguese, as I had learned the language previously as an undergraduate student and with Brazilian friends.
This international practica has undoubtedly contributed to my growth as an individual and clinician. I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Fortunato-Tavares for guiding us in her home country and in the hospital and to the delightful and hospitable students, fonos (speech pathologists), and professors from the University of São Paulo!”
For more information contact Talita Fortunato-Tavares, Assistant Professor, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Lehman College