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Lehman College

Professional Opportunities

The entry-level degree for most job opportunities in the field of Speech-Language Pathology is the master's degree. It is generally not possible to find long-term employment in the field with only a bachelor's degree.

The future for Speech-Language Pathologists who hold a master's degree is promising. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) reports:

"Speech-language pathology will be among the hottest professions in the country in the next decade, according to recent employment growth projections in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics" (BLS) 2015 Occupational Outlook Handbook. The profession ranked among the top 30—out of 700—fastest growing occupations over the next decade. Employment of speech-language pathologists is projected to grow 21 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. As the large baby-boom population grows older, there will be more instances of health conditions that cause speech or language impairments, such as strokes and hearing loss.

Speech-language pathologists work in a wide variety of professional settings. To learn more about career opportunities in speech-language pathology, visit Career Opportunities on the ASHA website.

Graduates from our M.A. program in Speech-Language Pathology consistently find employment in hospitals, clinics, schools, universities, rehabilitation centers, and, with additional experience, private practice. The program is recognized as among the finest in the region.

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