Neurolinguistics Lab
The research work in Dr. Mira Goral's Neurolinguistics Lab focuses on language processing in bilingual and multilingual healthy adults and in individuals with aphasia. Her lab has received funding from external (NIH/NIDCD, NIH/NIA) and internal (PSC-CUNY, Shuster Fellowship) funding sources. Read More...
Research projects conducted in the Neurolinguistics lab include:
- Efficacy of Language Treatment in Chronic Aphasia
- Cross-Language Treatment Generalization in Multilingual Aphasia [read more]
- Language and Cognition in Older Bilingual Adults
- Sentence Processing in Older Adulthood
- Language Attrition in Bilingual and Multilingual Speakers
To participate in Dr. Goral's current study or if you are interested in supporting this work by volunteering in her lab, please contact
Current Members of Dr. Goral's Research Team:
- Katarina Antolovic (GC)
- Angie Beltre (Lehman)
- Rachel Dilone (Lehman)
- Suzette Espeut (Lehman)
- Zahra Hejazi (GC)
- Gerald Imaezue (GC)
- Lauren Kiraly (GC)
- Lian Kizner (Lehman)
- Yaxiry Nieves (Lehman)
- Priscilla Saldivia (Lehman)
- Kathy Valsaco (Lehman)
- Isabella Zummo (Lehman)
Former Research Team Lab Members:
Christopher Alimonte, Dagmar Alvarad, Maria Boklan, Katy Borodkin, Holly Wilde Calhou, Caroline Can, Peggy S. Conner; Cristi Espada, Jessica Harris, Marlene Garcia, Shanica Jarrett, Leila Geramian, Olga Iukalo, Kristen Maul, Beatriz Munos, Carmen Mustelier, Elizabeth Paluska, Katherine Paulino, Youngmi Park, Christina Radvanski, Aida Rodriguez, Melissa Santander,Deepa Sar,Tali Swann-Sternberg, Amy Vogel-Eyny