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Lehman College


Faculty Peggy S. Conner, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Photo of Peggy Conner, Assistant Professor in Department of Speech Language Hearing SciencesE-mail Address:
Phone Number: 718-960-8030
Office: Speech Building, Room 134
Rank: Assistant Professor/Graduate Program Director
Degrees: Ph.D., City University of New York Graduate Center, M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S. Ithaca College


Undergraduate and Graduate Education

  • B.S., Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY
  • M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Ph.D., The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Professional / Clinical Certificates

  • NYS license in Speech-Language Pathology
  • ASHA, Certificate of Clinical Competence, Speech-Language Pathology

Courses Taught

  • SPE 723 Fluency Disorders
  • SPE 726 Aphasia and Related Disorders
  • SPE 729 Clinical Practicum in SLP
  • SPE 730 Externship in SLP

Areas of Interest

  • Fluency, aphasia, multilingualism, neuroplasticity


  • Conner, P. S., Goral, M., Anema, I., Borodkin, K., Haendler, Y., Knoph, M., Mustelier, C., Paluska, E., Melnikova, Y., Moeyaert, M. (2018). The role of language proficiency and linguistic distance in cross-linguistic treatment effects in aphasia. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 19. DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2018.1435723.
  • Galletta, E. E., Goral, M., Conner, P. S. (2018). In Richard Wilson and Preeti Raghavan (Ed.), Aphasia Rehabilitation (pp. 400). New York, NY: Stroke Rehabilitation/Elsevier.
  • Galletta, E., Conner, P. S., Vogel-Eyny, A., Marangolo, P. (2016). Use of TDCS in aphasia rehabilitation: A systematic review of the behavioral interventions implemented with noninvasive brain stimulation for language recovery. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(4S), S854-S86.
  • Maul, K. K., Conner, P. S., Kempler, D., Radvanski, C., & Goral, M. (2014). Using informative verbal exchanges to promote verb retrieval in non-fluent aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23, 407-420.

  • Goral, M., Naghibolhosseini, M. & Conner, P.S. (2013) Asymmetric inhibitory treatment effects in multilingual aphasia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30, 564-577.

  • Goral, M. & Conner, P.S. (2013) Language disorders in multilingual and multicultural populations. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 33, 128-161.

  • Goral, M., Rosas, J., Conner, P.S., Maul, K.K. & Obler, L.K. (2012) Effects of language proficiency and language of the environment on aphasia therapy in a multilingual. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25, 538-551

  • Conner, P.S., Hyun, J., O’Connor-Well, B., Anema, I., Goral, M., Monéreau-Merry, M, Rubino, D., Kuckuk, R. & Obler, L.K (2011) Age-related differences in idiom production in adults. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 10, 899-912.

  • Hyun, J., Ijalba, E., Signorelli, T., Conner, P., & Obler, L.K. (2010) Frontal lobes. In P. Hogan (Ed.), Cambridge encyclopedia of language science. University of Connecticut.

  • Obler, L.K., Hyun, J., Conner, P.S., O’Connor, B., & Anema, I. (2007) Brain organization of language in bilinguals in A. Ardila & E. Ramos (eds.), Speech and language disorders in bilinguals, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York.

Conference Proceedings

  • Conner, P. S. (2017). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Application to Remediation of Persistent Developmental Stuttering. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(1), e16.
  • Conner, P. S., Galletta, E., Hyun, J., Vogel-Eyny, A., & Marangolo, P. (2017). Combining tDCS and evidence-based behavioral treatment in aphasia: A case study. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(4), e39.
  • Vogel, A., Conner, P., Galletta, E. E., & Marangolo, P. (2017). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Attentional Processing in Healthy Individuals. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(1), e15.


  • Conner, P. S., Galletta, E., Hyun, J., Vogel-Eyny, A., Marangolo, P. Neuromodulation Conference 2017, "Combining tDCS and evidence-based behavioral treatment in aphasia: A case study," NYC Neuromodec, New York, NY. (January 14, 2017).
  • Conner, P. S., American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, "A Case Study of Situational Variability in Neurogenic Stuttering," ASHA, Philadelphia, PA. (November 17, 2016).
  • Galletta, E., Vogel-Etney, A., Conner, P.S., and Marangolo, P. (2015) New Technologies for Research Clinicians: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) as an Adjuvant to Speech-Language Intervention,  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, Colorado
  • Conner, P.S. Transcranial direct current stimulation: Application to remediation of persistent developmental stuttering. NYC Neuromodulation Conference 2015.

  • Cooner, P.S., Goral, M., Anema, I., Mustelier, C., Knoph, M., Borodkin, K., Belkina, M., Haendler, Y., Paluska, E. & Pugach, Y. Code-switching in multilingual aphasia. academy of Aphasia, Miami, FL, October, 2014.

  • Goral, M., Conner, P.S., Anema, I., Mustelier, C., Belkina, M., Borodkin, K., Haendler, Y., Knoph, M., Paluska, E. & Pugach, Y.  Cross-language influences in multilingual aphasia.  15th Science of Aphasia Conference, Venice, Italy, September, 2014.

  • Conner, P.S., Goral, M., Anema, I., Mustelier, C., Knoph, M., Borodkin, K., Belkina, M., Haendler, Y., Paluska, E. & Pugach, Y. Code-switching in multilingual aphasia. Academy of Aphasia, Miami, FL, October, 2014.

Research Lab

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