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Lehman College

Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD)


School-based speech language pathologists who work in New York State must hold the Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) certification.

The New York State Board of Regents met a few days ago and passed an amendment for a new pathway to apply for the TSSLD that does not require the education credits that are needed through the current TSSLD pathway offered by the Lehman College Department of Education. The new pathway requirements are:

  1. Completion of an ASHA certified master’s level program (e.g., our graduate program)
  2. Completion of a school-based practicum and experience with school-age children (0 to 21) that total 150 client contact hours
  3. Passing score on the Educating All Students exam
  4. Any other requirements for teacher certification in New York State such as fingerprinting, workshops, etc.
Please note: You may still apply for the TSSLD through Lehman College’s registered program pathway as described below.

Once you have completed the M.A. and the requirements listed above, you may apply directly to the NYS Education’s TEACH system for your TSSLD. This change is effective October 3 2018.

Our graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology is a registered teacher certification program by the New York State Department of Education. Students who have completed the Lehman College program are considered qualified candidates for the teaching certificate for students with speech-language disabilities (TSSLD) if they complete the requirements listed here. In addition to the 63 credits of coursework required for the M.A., students will be expected to complete the four core requirements listed below. After completing all of the requirements, students meet with the Office of Teacher Certification in the Lehman College Department of Education for a review. That office forwards to the NY State Department of Education a recommendation that the candidate receive their TSSLD.

The four core requirements for the TSSLD Certificate at Lehman College:

  1. Five courses listed below (ECE 301, 302, 311, 431, and SPE 530)
  2. One externship in elementary and/or secondary school is required and at least 150 hours of clinical practicum (in-house clinical + externships) with school-age students with speech and language disabilities in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence.
  3. NY State Exam:
    • New York State Teacher Certification Exam - Educating All Students Test (EAS)
  4. Four mandated workshops:
    • Child Abuse Identification
    • School Violence Intervention and Prevention
    • Autism
    • Dignity for All Students Act
For more information and additional pathways to the TSSLD please go to:

TSSLD Coursework


The TSSLD courses are offered online during winter and summer sessions.


ECE301 The Child in Context: Child Study & Development – Birth to Grade 6 3 TSSLD
ECE302 Child, Family, Community, and Schools in Socio-cultural Contexts – Birth to Grade 6 3 TSSLD
ECE311 The Teaching Profession – Birth to Grade 6 3 TSSLD
ECE434: Policies and Practices for Learners with Disabilities in Early Childhood and Childhood Settings 3 TSSLD
SPE 530   Organization of the Speech & Hearing Program in Elementary and secondary schools (not 429) 3 TSSLD
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