Gonzalo Martinez Herrera


Gonzalo Martinez Herrera Gonzalo Martínez Herrera is a doctoral student at CUNY’s Earth and Environmental Sciences program and instructor of Geography in the Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Sciences department at Lehman College.

Gonzalo holds a B.S. in Biology and a M.S in Biological Sciences by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). His research centers on a wide range of questions regarding plants and their relationship with the environment and people. During his B.S. he studied the ecology of semiarid grasslands in Oaxaca, Mexico, to elucidate the effect of spatial structure and quality of the environment on the configuration of plant communities. His M.S. focused on exploring the connections between climate change perceptions of Nahua farmers and their agricultural management practices in the region of Sierra Negra, Mexico. Currently, Gonzalo’s doctoral project analyzes how the displacement caused by the construction of the Zimapanhydroelectric dam has reconfigured the relationships between plants and people.


Political Ecology, More-than-human Geography, Ethnobotany, Numerical Ecology, and Mixed Methods.