Anastasia Clark

Anastasia Clark
Current location
Bronx, NY

Date of Graduation from Lehman:
January 2018

Type of degree/major/specialization/certificate
MS in GISc

Subsequent degrees earned or in progress

Internship Host Organization (if applicable)
I did my internship at the New York City Department of Transportation working with their Enterprise Geospatial Management Team.

Positions Held Since Graduating
Currently I work at the New York City Police Department, VICE Enforcement Division, Major Case Unit, Human Trafficking Team as a Crime Analyst.


  • NYPD, 49 Precinct, Crime Analyst
  • Lehman College, Adjunct Lecturer, Introduction to Programming for GIS
  • CIDR (CUNY Institute for Demographic Research), Research Associate
  • Baruch College, Teaching Assistant, Map Making for Policy
  • Baruch College, GIS Lab, Graduate Aid

Type of Work You Do There
When I started working at NYPD as a Crime Analyst for the 49th Precinct in the Bronx, my responsibilities included looking at crimes in my and surrounding precincts and finding patterns and trends. Creating patterns is important in identifying perpetrators that re-offend in the same or similar manner. I also did weekly statistical reports and maps to support the Commanding Officer of the precinct in responding to crimes and managing the precinct resources in the most efficient manner.

Now I work with Human Trafficking team and help the detectives solve their cases. I analyze the data to show the connections between events and people. GIS plays an integral part in my analysis.

Specific Accomplishments of Which You are Most Proud
I am proud of the work I do at the NYPD. It feels good to use my skills to help the city in fighting crimes.

Geography or GISc activities and/or accomplishments, awards, internships, publications:
New Yorkers on the Move: Recent Migration Trends for the City and Metro Area, published in WCIB Occasional Papers Series.

Overall assessment of how Lehman’s EEGS Program prepared you for your current life
Lehman has taught me the critical skills necessary to solve any new problem I am faced with. I started the MS GIS program at Lehman on the verge of the career change in my life. Almost right from the start, my professors provided me with numerous networking opportunities. One opportunity led to another and in just few moths I had two GIS-related paid jobs! Excellent and caring professors who stay as a part of your professional network long after you graduate is what makes the GIS program at Lehman special.

What else have you been up to? Details/news of personal life you would like to share (marriage, children, hobbies, interests, etc.)
I like to stay active physically and mentally, so I do lots of things in my spare time: going to the gym, riding skate boards with my kids, doing small side data projects or learning new Python libraries are just some of them.