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The Division of Student Affairs at Lehman College

Blueprint to Success

Blueprint to Success Logo The Blueprint to Success (BTS) initiative is a comprehensive roadmap of support services open to all Lehman College students. BTS is organized under five themes. A digital badge will be awarded for completing each theme through Credly. All offerings are promoted and tracked through Club Central.

The five themes are listed below: 

1. Pre-first year/semester (Bridge)
2. First-year/semester (Engagement)
3. Second-year/semester (Pathways)
4. Third-year/semester (Achievements)
5. Fourth-year/semester (Mobility)

Pre-First Year: Bridge
  • The Bridge period is the time between enrollment and the first day of classes.
  • The Bridge period will support students by providing them with the academic skills and social resources needed to successfully enroll in a 4-year college and thrive within the college environment.
  • Upon completing a minimum of 4 BTS Bridge offerings, each student will be awarded a digital badge documenting their early academic momentum gains. This is the first badge (level 1) in the culminating BTS digital badge.
First Year/First Semester: Engagement
  • The Engagement period is between the student's first day of class to the end of the student's first semester.
  • The Engagement period is designed to aid students in participating in educational and social activities provided by the BTS initiative.
  • Upon completing a minimum of 4 BTS Engagement offerings, each student will be awarded a digital badge documenting their academic momentum. This is the second badge (level 2) in the culminating BTS digital badge.
Second Year/Second Semester: Pathways
  • The Pathway period is between the student's first day of the second semester through the start of the student's third semester.
  • The Pathway period is designed to guide students in their educational and career-based journey.
  • Upon completing a minimum of 4 BTS Pathways offerings, each student will be awarded a digital badge documenting their pathway achievement. This is the third badge (level 3) in the culminating BTS digital badge.
Third Year/Third Semester: Focusing Achievement & Milestones
  • The Focusing Achievement & Milestones period is between the student's first day of the third semester through the start of the student's fourth semester.
  • The Focusing Achievement & Milestones period is designed as a checkpoint where students can access and evaluate their educational journey thus far.
  • Upon completing a minimum of 4 BTS Achievements offerings, the students will be awarded a digital badge documenting their achievement and milestone accomplishment. This is the fourth badge (level 4) in the culminating BTS digital badge.
Fourth Year/Fourth Semester: Mobility
  • The Mobility period is between the student's last day of class in the third semester through the end of the student's fourth semester.
  • Upon completing a minimum of 4 BTS Mobility offerings, each student will be awarded a digital badge l documenting their capstone academic momentum. This is the fifth badge (level 5) in the culminating BTS digital.
Blueprint to Success (BTS) Incentives & Benefits:
  • Receive recognition for new skills
  • Allow hiring managers to see acquired competencies
  • Develop new connections for networking
How To Begin: Attend Exciting BTS Events, and Earn Badges Now!
  • Just visit Lehman 360
  • Click "Lehman One Access"
  • Under "MyApps," click "Campus Links."
  • Search "Blueprint to Success" for all the events that qualify!
  • RVSP for Blueprint to Success events you plan on attending!
  • Claim your digital badges at the end of each semester.

View the flyer below to learn more about BTS incentives, benefits, and the self-reporting process:

Incentives and Benefits Flyer

Need help navigating Lehman’s Club Central Platform?
Click this link for a quick but in-depth video tutorial, or scan the QR code below:

Digital Badges

Digital Badges

For additional questions and concerns, please email the Office Of Student Affairs at:

For up-to-date information about Blueprint To Success, follow us on Instagram @lehmanstudentaffairs  Or Scan the QR code below: