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Accounts Payable

The goal of the Accounts Payable Department is to process payments to vendors, faculty, and staff in a timely yet accurate and efficient manner.

Reimbursements for travel to professional conferences should be processed using the online CUNYfirst self service travel and expense module. Vendors should be directed to mail their invoices directly to the Accounts Payable Office (Shuster Hall Rm. 016). Once the goods or services billed can be verified against receiving reports and purchase orders, the payment should be processed within ten business days.


All invoices must contain the following information: Vendor Name and Address, PO number and/or contract number, description of goods and or services and dates of service, if applicable.

Vendors can submit invoices with LEHPR purchase order numbers directly to

Payments to vendors

CUNYfirst Receipt (receiving report)

In order for Accounts Payable to process payments to vendors for merchandise received and/or services rendered, the following documents are required:

  • Valid CUNYfirst Purchase Order (issued by the Purchasing Office)
  • CUNYfirst receipt entered by the end-user
  • Original invoice from the vendor

Note: Once service or merchandise is received, a receipt must be created by the end-user.

How to Create a CUNYfirst Receipt - Creating a Receiving Report in CUNYfirst  

  • If the Purchase Order line is dollar-based, then an "Amount Receipt" must be entered. For example, a "blanket" Purchase Order (PO) for telephone services or Proftech, then adjust the "Price" field to reflect the amount billed on the vendor's invoice.
  • If the Purchase Order line is quantity-based, then a "Quantity Receipt" must be entered, and the "Receipt Quantity" field must be adjusted to reflect the actual quantity of goods received. For example:
  • If 12 mugs were ordered, and only 10 were received, input 10 in the "Quantity" field.
  • If 12 mugs were ordered, and 12 arrived, but 2 were broken, input 10 in the "Quantity" field.

Note: All invoices and packing slips must be signed and returned to Accounts Payable, Shuster Hall, and Room #016.

Inspection of Merchandise

An Inspection of the CUNYfirst receipt is required in the system for all items below:


Merchandise / Services Department Inspector
Furniture and Non-Technology Equipment Campus Facilities Robin Auchincloss
Hazadous Materials Hazmat/OSHA Manager Ilona Linins
Technology Items (computers, laptops, iPads, cellphones, etc.) Information Technology Assigned by ITR

Travel Reimbursement

CUNY/State Employees - Travel Guidelines and Resources

All requests for travel approval and expense reimbursement must be processed via the CUNYfirst Travel and Expense Module. Utilizing this self-service application will expedite the process for approving travel requests, and receiving reimbursement for travel expenses; thus eliminating the paper process. The employee must:

  • Submit a Travel Authorization
  • Create an Expense Report  

For additional job aids regarding Travel Authorizations and Expense Reports please see the How to...Before Travel Event and How to...After Travel Event sections of the OTPS Resource Management page.

To gain access to the Travel and Expense Module, employees must complete the CUNYfirst Travel Expense User Access Request Form and submit it to Accounts Payable, Shuster Hall 016. Research Foundation employees must first be set-up as "a person of interest" by the Office of Human Resources.

Travel Card Program

The State of New York Travel Card Program (T-Card) was created to provide employees who receive tax-levy funding with a mechanism to pay for travel expenses when traveling on official State Business. The card holder is responsible for using the Travel card for his/her expenses only when in travel status.

Non-CUNY/State Employees - Travel Guidelines and Resources

Lehman College will pay or reimburse reasonable expenses to faculty and ECP candidates who visit the College to meet with the search committee and other individuals.

In addition, OTPS funds can be used to reimburse other non-employees such as speakers and other visitors to the College. Travel related expenses such as Amtrak ticket, taxi fare, and commercial air fare can be reimbursed with receipts. The cost of lodging and meals will be reimbursed according to the allowable government rate ( with receipts. The following State of New York Travel reimbursement forms are required along with itemized receipts:

  • AC 3257 – Claim for Travel Reimbursement by a Non-Employee - Submit completed forms to AP, Shuster Hall, Room 016.
  • AC 160 – Statement of Automobile Travel - Used to report mileage if driving personal vehicle to the College. Submit completed forms to AP, Shuster Hall, Room 016.


Sonia Rodriguez

Accounts Payable Manager
Office: Shuster Hall, Room 016
Phone: 718-960-8263
Fax: 718-960-8125

Arlene Young-Irizariz

Financial Coordinator
Office: Shuster Hall, Room 016
Phone: 718-960-8306
Fax: 718-960-8125


Financial Coordinator
Office: Shuster Hall, Room 016
Phone: 718-960-2598
Fax: 718-960-8125
E-mail: TBA

Shavonn Vanderhorst

Finance Accountant Assistant
Office: Shuster Hall, Room 016
Phone: 718-960-2598
Fax: 718-960-8125

Jasha Boyd

CUNY Office Assistant
Office: Shuster Hall, Room 016
Phone: 718-960-8906
Fax: 718-960-8125

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