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Lehman College

Information for Undergraduate Students

An undergraduate degree at Lehman College provides students with a Liberal Arts Education, which is a broad knowledge of the wider world (e.g. science, culture, and society) as well as in-depth study in a specific area of interest. It helps students develop a sense of social responsibility; strong intellectual and practical skills that span all major fields of study, such as communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills; and the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings. (adapted from AAC&U). Click here to see what the characteristics of students graduating from Lehman College are.

Lehman College Bachelor Degree: 120 College Credits

General Education

Courses and Requirements

Whatever major you pursue, you'll be able to enjoy a flexible, stimulating general education program that allows you to meet requirements in a way that fits your individual interests and builds important skills for future work or graduate study.

General Education is the part of the curriculum that is shared by all students. It comprises a series of courses which all students must complete in order to graduate with a Bachelor's degree. The Program contains 14 courses in three categories: (1) Required Core, (2) Flexible Core, (3) College Option

Lehman College Bachelor Degree 120 College Credits

The information on this website will help you understand what you need to do to graduate with a Bachelor degree from Lehman College. In any event, please make sure to speak with an academic advisor about studying at Lehman College. Visit the Office of Academic Advisement in Shuster Hall 280, or schedule an advising appointment online. Locate a specific academic advisor here. View Advising Office hours.

Transfer Students

Transfer students may not be required to complete all of the requirements listed below. Please refer to the appropriate general education checklist or visit the Transfer Students information page.

Please review the sections below to understand the requirements for completing a Bachelor's Degree at Lehman College

Path to a Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor Degree College Option Flexible Core Required Core Elective Courses Major Concentration Courses General Education Courses

Required Core (4 Courses)

Courses that build a strong basis in communication and quantitative skills and in the methods of scientific inquiry for successful general and specialized learning

Communication Skills (2 courses) Quantitative Skills (1 course) Laboratory Science (1 course)
English (2 Courses) Quantitative & Mathematical Reasoning (1 course) 1 course in Life and Physical Science (1 course)


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CUNY Flexible Core (6 courses)

Courses that extend critical thinking across a range of disciplines to provide a broad learning experience 
World Cultures and Global Issues (1 course)  
US Experience in Its Diversity (1 course) 
Creative Expression (1 course)
Individual and Society (1 course)
Scientific World* (1 course)
A sixth course from any of these categories

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College Option (4 courses)

Multidisciplinary capstone courses that examine topics from the perspective of different disciplines and foreign language courses.
LEH 351-355
Foreign Language (2 Courses)


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IMPORTANT: Writing Intensive Courses
Every student must take 2-4 courses that are designated as writing-intensive (W).

Please refer to your appropriate general education checklist for more information.

Please note that not all courses that require you to write a lot are recognized as writing-intensive courses - only courses that are indexed with a “W” will count as writing intensive courses for your degree. These courses are offered in General Education, Major, Minor, and Elective courses. 3 courses are taken prior to earning the 60th credit and 1 following.


Get More Information About Writing Intensive Courses

Always …

Check with your advisor(s) each semester before registering for the next semester. Be sure you know ALL the graduation requirements - for General Education, for your Major, and, if applicable, for your Minor and for any special programs.

Tab Links

General Education - Required Core

Major Concentration - Courses

Elective Courses - Requirements

Major Concentration Courses

What are Majors, Minors, and Certificates?

A Major is a specific subject area that you specialize in.  It is the subject or area in which you will take the largest number of courses to make up the 120 credits required to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. All students must choose a major.

You can (but do not have to) choose a Minor, which is a declared secondary field of study or specialization that includes considerably fewer credits than the major.

Some programs also offer certificate programs that you can (but do not have to) choose. Certificate programs offer you an alternative academic credential to the lengthier undergraduate or graduate degree programs. The coursework of such programs tends to be compressed, focusing almost entirely on a specific topic. 

When Should You Choose Your Major?

Begin thinking about a major BEFORE you enroll!  Keep thinking about a major as you take courses beginning in your first year. The more you think, the sooner you can decide. If you are not sure what major you should choose, narrow your thinking to several possibilities.  One might be a Minor. You can choose a minor before you choose a major.

Many students change majors and minors as they discover more about themselves and their interests. Bear in mind that, the earlier you choose, the easier it is to change.

Why choose early?  When you choose a major, you will have a major advisor in a department who can guide your academic and career choices.  Students without majors use general advising (see the Office of Academic Advisement). Students who have chosen a major can see both a general advisor and their major advisor.

You should choose a major (and, if you want to, a minor) during your sophomore year (when you have 30 credits, but before 60). If you receive TAP support, then you must declare a major by the time you reach 60 credits. See this checklist for detailed information about what you should do in your Sophomore Year.

Transfer students follow this same timetable: If you come with less than 60 previous credits, but more than 15, you should be thinking already about a program or major subject; if you come with 60 or more credits, and you expect to have TAP assistance, you need to declare a major immediately. Even if you do not have a TAP award, it is still advisable to declare a major as soon as you can, and absolutely within your first transfer semester at Lehman.

How Do I Choose My Major?

Choosing a major means deciding what subjects you like and are good at, and identifying what career or professional plans you have. Here is an analysis of what majors support what careers: “What can I do with this major?”.

Talk with your instructors after class or during their office hours; ask their opinion and suggestions. They are your best resource in deciding what to choose as a major and minor.

What are your choices?  See this list of Majors, Minors and Related Disciplines. Note that many of the majors are also available as minors; some of the subjects are available only as minors: see the qualifications under the subjects.)

Visit the departments where you might major and discuss the major requirements with a department advisor. For starters, refer to list of the major requirements from the Undergraduate Bulletin or the Major Academic Plans (LINK).

Use Degree Works to see how the major requirement will fit into what you have taken so far. Degree Works will show you what courses you need to take “If you choose this major” – the “What If” feature.  Degree Works can also help you plan for a minor, if you wish to declare one. Here is information on Degree Works.

To declare a major or minor, pick up the appropriate form in the Registrar's Office (Shuster Hall, Room 106), get a signature from the appropriate department, and return the form to Shuster Hall, Room 106. Click here for more information.

Many departments have their own checklists and forms for majors; be sure to ask about the department’s lists and forms and use them when you visit your major advisor.  Use the same method to choose and declare your Minor, if you choose to do so. The earlier you declare a minor, the more flexibility  you will have to  choose  courses  and  complete  all  your  requirements  in  the  most efficient and quickest way!

Always …

Check with your advisor(s) each semester before registering for the next semester. Be sure you know ALL the graduation requirements - for General Education, for your Major, and, if applicable, for your Minor and for any special programs.

Tab Links

General Education - Required Core

Major Concentration - Courses

Elective Courses - Requirements

Elective Courses

To graduate with a Bachelor degree from Lehman College, you must receive 120 college credits. You will need to take credits in General Education, in your Major concentration (the subject area in which you will take the largest number of courses), in your minor concentration (only if you choose to take a minor), and through courses that you can choose freely (electives). 

At least 30 credits and at least half of the credits in the major (and, if applicable, in the minor or in an interdisciplinary program) must be received directly from Lehman College.

The information on this website will help you understand what you need to do to graduate with a Bachelor degree from Lehman College. In any event, please make sure to talk with an academic advisor about studying at Lehman College.

Key Information

Tab Links

General Education - Required Core

Major Concentration - Courses

Elective Courses - Requirements