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Information for Transfer Students

Want to see how credits from a course at one CUNY college will transfer to Lehman? Use the Transfer Explorer to find out.

Information for Students Who Transferred From Another Regionally Accredited College (CUNY or Non-CUNY)

If you are transferring within CUNY (you are coming from a CUNY community college or senior college), then the Gen Ed requirements which you have satisfied at your previous college(s) will count at Lehman. The fulfilled requirements transfer with you. 

Students must satisfy the requirement that 30 credits as well as one-half the credits in the major and half in the minor or half the credits in an interdisciplinary program be completed in residence at Lehman.

If you are entering Lehman with credits earned at a regionally accredited college or university outside CUNY, then the evaluation of your transcript(s) will determine how many of the Gen Ed requirements you have already fulfilled. Please contact admission for transcript evaluation.

Courses passed outside the City University system with a grade of D (below 70 percent) will not be credited by Lehman College. They will be included, however, in the cumulative index to determine an applicant's eligibility for admission.

Requirements for Students Who

Transfer with an Associate's Degree (AA, AS, AAS):

  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed Core Areas (Students who have received an AA or AS from a CUNY College have already fulfilled this requirement)
  • Two Writing Intensive Sections (identified by the "W" at the end of the section number – details)
  • Two Integration Courses (LEH351-355 - details)
  • Download the General Education Checklist

Transfer from a Community College with no degree, and With 30 credits or more:    

  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed Core Areas
  • Three Writing Intensive Sections (identified by the "W" at the end of the section number – details)
  • One Foreign Language course (above 1st semester introductory, by placement, unless fulfilled)
  • Two Integration Courses (LEH351-355 - details)
  • Download the General Education Checklist

With fewer than 30 credits:

  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed Areas
  • Four Writing Intensive Sections (identified by the "W" at the end of the section number – details)
  • Two Foreign Language courses (by placement, unless fulfilled)
  • Two Integration Courses (LEH351-355 - details)
  • Download the General Education Checklist

Transfer from a Senior College, and with 60 credits or more:    

  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed Core Areas
  • Two Writing Intensive Sections (identified by the "W" at the end of the section number – details)
  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed College Option Areas (two Foreign Language courses, by placement unless fulfilled, and two Integration Courses - LEH351-355) except:
  • One College Option course (LEH351-355 - details) if 9 College Option Credits completed at another CUNY campus
  • Two College Option courses (LEH351-355 - details) if 6 College Option Credits completed at another CUNY campus
  • Three College Option courses if 3 College Option Credits are completed at another CUNY campus
    • If three credits were taken in a foreign language, take the next level language and two LEH courses.
    • If three credits were not taken in a foreign language, and you are placed in foreign language FL111, then you'll take two foreign language courses and one LEH course.
    • If three credits were not taken in a foreign language, and you are placed in foreign language FL112, then you'll take one foreign language and two LEH courses.
  • Download the General Education Checklist

Schedule an appointment at the Office of Academic Advisement for further information.

With 30 Credits but fewer than 60:

  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed Core Areas
  • Two Foreign Language courses (by placement, unless fulfilled).
  • Three Writing Intensive Sections (identified by the "W" at the end of the section number – details)
  • Two Integration Courses (LEH351-355 - details)
  • Download the General Education Checklist

With fewer than 30 Credits:

  • All unfulfilled CUNY Gen Ed Core Areas
  • Two Foreign Language courses (by placement, unless fulfilled)
  • Four Writing Intensive Sections (identified by the "W" at the end of the section number – details)
  • Two Integration Courses (LEH351-355 - details)
  • Download the General Education Checklist

Foreign Students or students from non-accredited schools

The requirements for foreign transfer students (who transfer credits from colleges or universities outside the U.S.) are generally the same as they are other transfer students. The evaluation of your transcript(s) will determine how many of the CUNY 2013 Gen Ed requirements you have already fulfilled. 

Credit for a course at a postsecondary institution not accredited by one of the regionally accrediting bodies, whose description matches that of a similar course offered by Lehman College may be granted with departmental approval.

Courses from non-accredited institutions that do not have a Lehman equivalent will not transfer.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

  • Transfer students will receive from the Admissions Office an evaluation of transfer credits prior to registration.  See the information for Transfer Student Admissions.
  • The principles according to which Lehman awards transfer credit are described in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
  • The evaluation of transfer credit is just one of the processes facing the new transfer student. See this checklist for Transfer Students.
  • Want to see how credits from a course at one CUNY college will transfer to Lehman? Use the Transfer Explorer to find out.

Understanding the Transfer Credit Evaluation

Most transfer students, upon receiving the Transfer Credit Evaluation, will meet with an advisor before registering for their first courses at Lehman.  Click here for Advising information and here for Advising Appointments.

The advisor will explain how the transferred credits will meet Lehman’s Gen Ed requirements and will provide guidance for completing the remaining credits.  In some cases the transfer student will need to see a department advisor to receive an evaluation of courses that are not routinely given equivalents by the transfer credit evaluation process.

If you have not been invited to make an appointment, and if you have questions about what the evaluation means or what you need to do next, it is your responsibility to make an appointment to see an advisor!

Questions about Equivalent Courses and Credits

The definition of course equivalencies will determine which General Education requirements you will have met through your previous course work before entering Lehman.  If you have questions about the Lehman equivalents of courses taken and credits earned at your previous college, consult with an academic advisor or department advisor.

If, after this consultation, you feel that the definition of course equivalencies and/or the satisfying of Gen Ed requirements is not correct, you may appeal the evaluation of your transcript from previous college(s).

To appeal the transcript evaluation, fill out the Transfer Credit and Course Equivalency Appeal Form which you can get in the Office of Academic Advisement, Shuster Hall, Room 280.
Submit this form before the end of your first semester at Lehman.  Ordinarily, Transfer Credit and Course Evaluation Appeals will not be considered after the first semester after transfer has been completed.

If students have not received a written response to their college appeal within 15 business days,or if students wish to appeal from a negative determination on their campus appeal, they may appeal that decision to the CUNY University Provost/ Office of Academic Affairs. They should complete the University Transfer Credit Appeals Form (link below) and submit the requested support materials to the address below. Students are responsible for providing course documentation to support their appeal. As long as no further materials or information are needed, students will receive a decision via email from CUNY OAA within 10 business days of an appeal’s receipt.

If the CUNY OAA appeal is found to merit a change in course designation, the College Transfer Appeals Officer will ensure that the change is made to the student record. CUNY OAA decisions regarding appeals for reevaluation of transfer credit are final.

Office of Academic Affairs
Pathways Appeals
City University of New York
205 E. 42nd New York NY 10017

Unhappy with your transfer evaluation: More on rights and responsibilities PDF Icon

Writing Intensive Course Requirements

All students at Lehman are required to take courses with Writing Intensive sections. Many different courses have sections labeled Writing Intensive. These sections are taught with an emphasis on developing the writing, thinking and communication skills that are essential to a college education. Read More

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