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Instructional Support Services Program

How to Access Academic Coaching on Study Skills, Writing, Humanities and Social Sciences Tutoring in the Lehman Tutoring Center

The LTC is open for in-person tutoring in the Old Gym, Room 205, and online tutoring via the virtual tutoring center at: and that appointment requests can be made here:

All virtual meetings use Blackboard Collaborate and are in real time, with video, audio, text chat, and screensharing. Tutoring, and processing of appointment requests, take place during our business hours: Monday-Thursday from 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM and Saturday from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Click here for the schedule of tutoring and list of courses tutored.

How to Access Tutoring for Natural Sciences Courses in the Virtual Science Learning Center

For in-person tutoring visit the Science Learning Center, located in Gillet Hall, Room 133. There is also online tutoring through our virtual Science Learning Center by clicking here or email the Science Learning Center (SLC) at

Students who visit the virtual Science Learning Center will be assisted on a first-come first-serve basis (for group tutoring) during the Center’s business hours: Monday-Thursday from 10 AM - 7 PM and Saturday from 10 AM - 2 PM. Sessions are in person and online. Click here for the schedule and list of courses tutored.