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Urban Male Leadership Program at Lehman College

News & Announcements

President Ricardo Fernández Recognizes the Urban Male Leadership Program During President Barack Obama's Historic Visit to Lehman College on May 4th, 2015

Photo of President Barack Obama“The mission of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance is closely connected to our own historical mission to transform lives and communities,” Dr. Fernández said. “I am proud to note that here at Lehman College we also have a very successful initiative called The Urban Male Leadership Program that has furthered that mission by mobilizing our talented students to go out into the community and speak with middle and high school students.” 

Director of Lehman’s Urban Male Leadership Program Honored by City & State New York

Photo of Director Michael DeasMichael Deas, LMSW, founding director of Lehman’s Urban Male Leadership Program (UMLP), was selected as one of the 25 most influential leaders in the Bronx by City & State New York.

Deas was appointed in August 2008 to lead the program, which seeks to increase the retention and graduation rates of all students, with a specific emphasis on Black and Latino males. The program currently serves 352 students, both male and female, through academic support, peer-to-peer mentoring, workshops, and special events. "I like to think that the program is committed to bringing forth greatness—one student at a time," he said.

According to Deas, "These programs provide a circle of support for participants." And the support seems to be working—retention and graduation rates for students in the program have steadily improved.

President José Luis Cruz, who was honored by City & State last year, praised Deas and his efforts. "As someone committed to equal access and opportunity in higher education, I can attest to Michael's untiring dedication to the young men and women at Lehman," President Cruz said. "He is a fierce advocate for the students in his program. It is always gratifying to see colleagues get the recognition they deserve."

Born in New Jersey and raised in the Bronx, Deas attended Lehman and Fordham University. In 2015 he received the Bronx Chamber of Commerce African American Heritage Award, for influencing "our society and future generations in a manner that we are thankful for today."

Deas and his fellow honorees will be honored on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at a reception at The Bronx Museum of the Arts, which will feature a keynote address by Bronx Borough—and Lehman alumnus—President Ruben Diaz, Jr.

Michael Deas, Director of the Lehman Urban Male Leadership Program, Receives Bronx Chamber of Commerce Honor

Photo of Director Michael DeasMichael Deas, the director of Lehman’s Urban Male Leadership Program (UMLP) was honored by the Bronx Chamber of Commerce , as a leader who has made significant social and educational contributions to the city. Director Deas was recognized alongside luminaries such as former New York City Mayor David Dinkins, newly elected Speaker of the New York State Assembly Carl Heastie, and keynote speaker, State Senator Ruth Hassel- Thompson.