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Urban Male Leadership Program at Lehman College

Our Services


The UMLP reaches out to the Lehman campus to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the nature of the higher education process. The program holds weekly workshops, meetings, and other events to give UMLP students and other cohorts an opportunity to learn about the many services and resources available for them on campus. The program also reaches out to middle and high school students to strengthen the high school-to-college pipeline through workshops, campus tours, and the actual experience of “a day in the life” of a Lehman College student.

If you want to learn more about the UMLP, please fill out our Interest Form.

Academic Intervention Success (AIS)

First-year, transfer students, and those facing academic challenges are encouraged to participate in workshops to help make their classroom and personal lives more manageable. Students often receive referrals for additional on-campus services, such as:

  • Tutoring
  • Study Groups
  • Workshops
  • Academic Advisement
  • Counseling Center
  • Career Services


Lehman students, faculty and staff are committed to mentoring students through the UMLP 's "Circle of Support" program. Mentors are paired with students/mentees based on their interests, specializations, and fields of study. Student peer mentors receive specialized training and are paid for their time as mentors, while getting an opportunity to learn about themselves and build leadership skills. Mentees experience a sense of community with other “Circle of Support” members and get support to help them achieve academic success, develop as leaders and enhance personal growth.

Retention Program

Leadership Retreats for UMLP students focus on academic enrichment, self-identity, community responsibility, and personal development.  This and other events, while open to all, focus on educational and social issues related to the retention of Black and Latino male college students. Participants listen to speakers and then meet in workshops led by CUNY faculty and staff on topics derived from the discussions.

Please stop by our office in the Old Gym (Suite 302) to learn more about our programs or to schedule an appointment with our AIS or Mentorship Coordinator. You can also contact us at

Spotlight Events

The Urban Male Distinguished Speakers Series

The Distinguished Speaker Series invites noted speakers to the Lehman College campus to discuss issues surrounding underrepresented communities. The Urban Male Leadership Program identifies speakers who are experts in their professions and knowledgeable in a variety of subject areas. This series is open to all of the Lehman College campus and the surrounding community.

CUNitY Educational Summit - Annual Spring Event

The Urban Male Leadership Program at Lehman College is host to the CUNY Annual Educational Summit. The CUNitY collaboration consists of Lehman College, Bronx Community College and Hostos Community College. This full day conference addresses a variety of educational issues that affect the attrition and retention rates of all college students with a focus on Black and Latino male students. In an effort to facilitate the high school-to-college pipeline, UMLP also collaborates with each school’s Division of Enrollment Management and as well as secondary schools in the Lehman catchment area.  Summit highlights include a panel discussion consisting of guest academic speakers from diverse disciplines addressing the state of Black and Latino males in America followed by hands-on workshops and networking opportunities for students. In recognition of Woman’s History Month, The Educational Summit also recognizes selected women faculty members who have demonstrated a continuous commitment to students in CUNitY BMI programs.