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MSDS Online - Material Safety Data Sheets and Chemical Inventory

Laboratories and other facilities storing and using potentially hazardous chemicals and chemical products must maintain written inventories of these materials. As part of New York City’s community Right-to-Know program, all entities storing and using potentially hazardous chemicals (above certain thresholds) are required to report their inventoriesreport their inventories PDF Icon annually to the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP). This reporting is done through the Environmental Health & Safety Office using information from the College’s web-based chemical inventory and Material Safety Data Sheet program, MSDS Online.

Material Safety Data Sheets

 MSDS Online is primarily a program that allows chemical end users to access MSDS for chemicals in their individual inventories, containing thousands of MSDS from hundreds of manufacturers. MSDS for chemical inventories for each group/department have been loaded onto MSDS Online. Specific faculty and staff members from each department with chemical inventories have been registered as users in the MSDS Online program. If you have forgotten your username/password, please contact the EHS Office (email or x8988, x8978)

Chemical Inventory

 Chemical inventory data has been entered into MSDS Online for each laboratory and research group. EH&S personnel serve as onsite administrators/managers of MSDS Online. Chemical inventory data must be edited through the EH&S Office. However, each research group or department that uses or stores chemicals can request an electronic version of their inventory. Use this version to make updates to the chemical inventory data.