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Hazardous Waste/Regulated Waste

Hazardous Waste and Regulated Waste Management Program

Colleges and universities have been long recognized as generators of hazardous- and regulated waste, and are subject to the same environmental laws as any industry. Chemicals of every type and hazard class are routinely used in various departments at Lehman College; any activity that involves hazardous (flammable, toxic, reactive, corrosive) materials will result in the generation of hazardous waste.

Hazardous waste can sometimes take unexpected forms: fluorescent lamps contain mercury, certain types of batteries and electronic equipment contain large amounts of lead and other toxic metals. Regulated waste may not actually be hazardous to human health or the environment, but must never be allowed to join the “regular” trash, or disposed of via the drain.

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety has primary responsibility for hazardous- and regulated waste management at Lehman College, but also relies upon faculty and staff to do their part. Hazardous- and regulated waste streams are managed in specific ways at each stage of the generation process. Employee training is an important aspect of the Hazardous- and Regulated Waste Program, as are weekly inspections of Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAA), where wastes are stored before they are turned over to EHS.

The goal of the program is to manage wastes in strict accordance with federal EPA regulations, minimizing the negative impact on human health and the environment.